Under the water

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I woke up to the smell of cinnamon and trees. A wild smell. I opened my eyes and saw Jason walking around the room.

He was acting scared or something. I sat up. "What's wrong?" I asked. He turned and looked at me.

"It's the moon. We won't have any control tonight, there is an apocalypse," he said. 

"What do you mean we will have no control? Why is it so bad?" I asked as I got up.

"Because, there are rivers here, strong ones who can drown an elephant. If one of us falls inn, they aren't surviving," he said as I leaned against his chest looking at him.

"No one will fall out, don't worry," I said lightly. "Besides, can't we just turn back to humans and pull them out?" 

"That's the thing. During an apocalypse, we have absolutely no control, people are already turning now, and they are wild. They can't turn back or control it long enough to make it." I gave him a hug and tried kissing his forehead, but only made it to his mark. "How are you so calm about this?"

"I don't know," I mumbled, starting to feel the urge to run around. I dug the feeling deep into my heart and we walked down to breakfast. When we walked past a window I saw that people were screaming and crying as they were turning. The people who were still human had built a huge fence that the wolves were in. 

"When do you think we will turn?" I asked as we sat down. 

"I don't know, maybe in a few hours. I can smell your wolf fighting you to turn," he said and glanced at me. I looked down and crossed my feet, then looked at him.

"I don't know how to control it," I said lowly as my voice slightly broke. 

"Then don't, it will just make the turn worse," he said as we got our food. He sounded like he was talking from experience.

"You tried holding back didn't you," I said. 

He looked at me, "um, yes. It was one of my first turns and I didn't know what was happening. I was scared that there was something wrong with me. Apparently, they had told us not to fight it at school, but I didn't listen to anything our teachers told us because I was too obsessed with being popular because I was going to be the Alpha. I made sure I had girls falling for me where ever I went and I didn't even care about what I did back then. It was horrible. That's why I told you this morning, so you would know what to expect. It hurts, it always does, there are just different ways of handling it."

I gave him a huge hug and he put his arm around my waist. I ate my food, fast and we went upstairs. "I'm going to take a bath," I said, as I was taking off my clothes. 

"Want to save water?" he asked me as he held me around my waist. His body tight into my back. He snuggled his face into the side of my neck and his arms slid completely around my stomach. 

"Fine," I whispered and he gave me a gentle kiss on the back of my head as he straightened up. I turned to look at him as he took of his shirt. He grabbed me and picked me up bridal style. I screamed and laughed as he walked into the bathroom and he turned on the water. He lowered me into the bathtub and he got in after me. I snuggled next to him and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes to a searing pain in my leg. I was laying outside, in a cage. I got up, but fell when I stood on my hurting leg. I looked around and saw Jason fighting one of the people who were standing by the only entrance to my boxed in cage. 

I stood on my one good leg, holding on to the bars of my cage. I screamed in pain when my good leg started hurting, and I fell on the ground. Jason looked up at me and his eyes weakened. He punched the man one last time and ran over to me. 

"What's going on?" I asked when he came up next to me. 

"You fell asleep and I put you on the bed. You started acting like you were about to shift and you were growling, so I brought you down to the pen with all the other wolves. But you were put in a separate box because," he was smiling, "you are pregnant, and when you are you become extremely strong. This cage is made to withstand a pregnant wolf, but they aren't sure if it will hold you, since you are also a luna, which also gives you extra strength as well. That is also why they wont let anyone in here. I just had to tell you."

"I'm pregnant?" I asked. He nodded and I smiled. I pulled myself close enough to him that I managed to kiss him, but it was short lasting because five men came in and grabbed him. They pulled him out of there when my arm snapped. From there it went pretty smooth, and after about five minutes I had no control. 

Later that day I finally broke out of my cage and ran over to Jason who was in the Alpha area. When he saw me he, or his wolf, came running over to me. It felt like I was on autopilot, and wasn't able to turn it off. Since Hanna was the only human there she had to open all out gates so we could go running.

We ran until we reached a river, and people started jumping over it. By the time me and Jason were going to jump over Luke had caught up with us. Jason told him that I was pregnant and Luke congratulated us. Luke jumped first, then Jason. When it was my turn I jumped and my front paws made it over, while the rest of my body was in the water. I tried getting up and Luke and Jason grabbed my paws and helped, but it was no use. A small cub had landed on my back and we both fell in. I was pulled under, but I managed to throw the cub up on land before that happened. I saw Jason and Luke running after me, with some of the other wolves from our pack.

Jason jumped I'm after me, and he caught up to me. But it was to late. There was a waterfall less than twenty feet away, and there were no rocks or anything under us so we could hold ourselves. 'I love you,' I said through the bond, and we fell. All I saw was the top of the cliff.


Ahh, "cliff"hangers


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