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"Yes, but we lied," Sara said. I let out a small chuckle. I totally understand why she is so frustrated. Linda is flirting with me big time and I am not doing anything to shut her mouth.

"Could you please tell me where you are going then?" Linda asked, frustrated. 

"I have he'd enough of you," I whined and ripped of a piece of my shirt. Her eyes widened at my words and more when I put the piece of cloth over her mouth and grabbed the weal. She stepped on the breaks and tried getting out of my grip. I was now holding my hand on the back of her head so she couldn't move away. 

Sara was unbuckling her seatbelt and claimed up in front to remove Linda's. When she had done so I moved Linda out of the drivers seat and she fainted. "Here, put her in the back seat and give her a pillow or something so it looks like she is sleeping," I told Luke as he grabbed her and did as I told him.

Sara had started the car again and we were now on the way to meet the North Moon pack. This month is going to be amazing, at least since tomorrow is a full moon.


When we drove into the parking lot a few people were out in the front waiting for us. We got out of the car and I walked over to Sara and held her hand. Showing all the unmated wolves here that my not-so-wolfy wold is my mate.

Luke and Hanna were walking behind us. We came to a stop when we had reached the stairs. Alpha Gunnar came down the stairs with his mate, Aurora, and we all shook hands exchanging "his" and "welcomes".

We walked into the pack house and Gunnar showed us around. Boys were staring at Sara with lust, drooling. I growled at them but Sara rubbed my back calming me down. We made our way up to the fifth floor, where the alpha, beta and gamma guest rooms were.

A few omegas brought our bags up and placed them in our rooms. Sara had immediately taken the bags into the closet for our room and started hanging them up.

One after one pack members mind linked me telling me they had arrived at the pack house and were being brought to their guest rooms.

I walked into the closet, noticing we hadn't really talking since the plane. "Whats on your mind?" I asked her as I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. she stiffened but relaxed after a bit.

"Nothing to worry about at our age," she said, making me wonder.

"What could a 18 and 20 year old not worry about?" I asked her. She quickly turned around. 

"Your twenty? How come you never told me?" she asked me. crap, I forgot to tell her!

"It may have slipped my mind?" I asked slash said.

"Figures," she mumbled and I just chuckled. She put her arms around my shoulders and neck and looked into my eyes. 

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I asked out of the blue, not even knowing what I was saying. She quit breathing for a second just staring at me. I know I told her about two or three months ago, but I haven't said it since.

She put her hands on both sides of my cheeks and pulled me down towards her. Our lips crashed and I pulled her closer. She put her right arm around my neck and pulled herself further up to me.

My member was growing by the second and she was turning me on. Why is she doing this to me?! Its so unfair. She wrapped her legs around my torso and pulled me possibly closer. I rushed us over to the wall and her back hit the wall. She flinched, remembering she is mostly human now, but continued kissing me.

'Pack introduction,' Alpha Gunnar linked me. Since I am an alpha all other alphas can contact me through a special link. I let out a sigh in frustration and quit kissing Sara. She looked at me confused then started kissing me again.

I shoved her off me and on to the bed, then went to get a new shirt. Just noticing I was shirtless. "Whats wrong?" Sara asked when I came out again.

"A stupid pack introduction. Since everyone is here now we have to be introduced to the entire pack then some special mind link sermon for letting us contact them in wolf form, if something was to happen. But nothing will happen. There are three packs in Norway, one further up north, in Svalbard, the one we are in now, and down south in Oslo," I told her and she nodded quietly standing up.

"Lets go," she said and sighed. We walked out of our room and down the stairs. When we got down there we followed all the other wolves outside. Sara gasped when she saw all the trees and hills, and of course, all the other wolves that were here.

A few boys were looking at Sara with pure lust. I growled at them and pulled her close to me, pulling her hair away from her mark and showing off what a beautiful mate I have. The boys looked away, but I knew they were still looking at her.

When we reached the back of all the other pack members from our pack they formed a line, letting us go up to the front. I looked down at Sara who was looking at the ground, shyly. I held her possibly tighter and put a small kiss on her soft hair, then the sermon began.


OMG!!! I can't stop thanking you! 300 votes!! People who are reading this later are probably going to be like 'that is nothing compared to other books'/ I may sound naive in how I am saying it, but I don't care, I am too happy!!

Lots of love,


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