Werewolves are real!

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"What the hell!" I yelled well me and Hanna were backing up from Jason, Luke, Quinn, Erik and all the other boys that were now standing where wolves had been standing two seconds ago.

"Take them," Jason said as his voice broke. Four men came walking up to us and grabbed us. We screamed and kicked but it was no use. They didn't even flinch.

"I actually liked you!" Hanna shouted at Luke with tears in her eyes as we were hauled back to Jason's house. How could he take us, what had we ever done to him to make him take us?

"Jas-" Jason's mom said as she opened the door and saw us. She looked at him in surprise. "What the hell is this?!" she shouted madly.

"That is Sara, and that is Hanna," he said and pointed at us when he said his names.

"Let them go," she said with power in her voice.   The men that were holding us let us go. "Just because you are the alpha, it doesn't mean you can take someone against their will!" she shouted and we ran and hid behind her.

"Thank you," I whispered and looked at Hanna.  She was terrified.

"It's okay," Jason's mom said calmingly and shoved the men out of the house and closed the door. Jason's face was beat red as she closed it right in his face. "I know this is a lot to take in, but everything you saw was real."

"Oh no, we are stuck her with a whole bunch of freaks, and we dated two of them," Hanna wined.

"It's okay, we will find a way out of here," I said.

"I'm Lily, Jason's mom," the lady, or should I say Lily, said.

"Ya, and you already know who we are," I said grouchily. "Now will you mind telling us what the hell is going on?"

"You might want to sit down," Lily said and lead us into the kitchen. We sat down by the island. "Do you believe in the supernatural?"

I scoffed, "Why would we do that?"

"Because it is real. Jason and Luke are werewolves and you are their mates."

"What are mates?" Hanna asked. I stared at her with the facial expression I gave her when she betrayed me.

"You would call them soul-mates."

"Okay, we get it. Big deal, you can come out now!" I said waiting for people with cameras and microphones to come out from hiding, but no one came.

"This is not a prank," Lily said and eyed me. "It's real."

"None of this shit is real!" I yelled. I would have believed her if I didn't believe her and she had proof. The only problem was that I was denying it because it actually all made sense.

"Yes, it is."

"Fine, lets say it is. What is a Luna and what do I have to do with that?" I asked.

"Ha! I knew it! You do believe!" she shouted in victory.

"Nooo?" I said trying to sound as firm as possible.

"Yes you do. If you didn't believe me you would have asked what I was talking about and that I was talking nonsense. Then you would ask about mates," she said smiling.

"Fine, whatever. Now tell me what a Luna is."

"A Luna is the Alphas mate and she is the most important person in the entire pack. Even the Alpha has to obey her. Luckily for you, Jason is the Alpha, so you are the Luna. You can control everyone!"

"What am I then?" Hanna asked.

"Luke is the third in command. People do have to follow your orders, but lots of people don't," Lily explained.

"Is there a bed I can lay down on? I am really exhausted and have a lot to think of," I said. There was truth to what I said. I do have a lot to think about but I am not exhausted.

"Yes, go up the stairs to the third floor and the third door on your left," she said smiling.

"Thank you," I mumbled, and left.

I walked into a big room with a king sized bed. I jumped up on it. It was as soft as a pillow. I laid down and fell asleep at once. So maybe I was tired, but I didn't notice until I was laying on the bed.


I walked into my room and saw Sara laying on my bed. I chuckled. She was just laying there piece full and happy. 'Nows our chance!' my wolf yelled in my head.

'No,' I said as I heard a scream from the kitchen.

"Help!" a girl screamed. "Help!" I ran down and saw Luke trying to calm Hanna down, but it wasn't working. "Where is Sara?" she said as she held an arm out at Luke and looked at me.

"She's upstairs, third door on the left," I said and stepped away from the stairs so she could walk up.

"Why did you tell her?" Luke hissed at me after she left.

"Because she was scared, and if we are going to have any chance on them, they have to trust us.

We continued fighting and talking for a while.


"Oh my god!" I heard someone say distantly. I snapped out of my dream and sat up.

"What? I had such a good dream!" I said as I saw Hanna standing in the doorway.

"Sorry," Hanna mumbled. "What was it about?" she said so I could hear it.


"What?! You dreamed of a freaking werewolf?" she said. I could hear how angry and shocked she was.

"Yes. I trust him, and all this about werewolves, mates and all that stuff makes sense. Haven't you ever felt this great burst of energy or sparks when you have touched Luke?" I asked.

If I haven't told you about these bursts of energy or sparks, well then I'm telling you now. It is the best feeling ever!

"What?" she said. "Let me think," she said and I smiled. I laid down again and thought of Jason. "Your right. I have felt those sparks, but I still don't trust them. I'm running away tonight with or without you," she said. My jaw dropped.


She's running away!?


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