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March 20th,2006.

Niall's POV

Sitting in class, listening to Mrs. Mallette's, my teacher, boring speech and drooling over her fifteen-year-old son, was my daily routine. I knew I was only twelve, but I knew I was gay and truly madly deeply in love with Justin Drew Bieber. He only thought of me as a child and the best thing he had ever said to me was to shut up. His mother, Mrs. Mallette, was my teacher at school and my mother's best friend. Both she and my mother tried their hardest to bring me and Justin closer, but in the end, I always ended up hurt. Justin never cared about me and usually mistreated me. He was an asshole, but at the same time, the sweetest and most caring boy in the world.

"Niall?" I heard Mrs. Mallette calling my name, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry." I apologized, looking down at my lap.

"You better be, I'm calling your mother after school." Of course she would. Rolling my eyes and huffing, I mumbled an 'okay' and started to copy whatever she was writing on the board.

March 20th, 2007.

When school was over, after what it seemed a really long day, I started running towards the front door of the school to leave, only to end up on the floor with someone underneath me and of course it had to be him.

"Are you fucking serious?" He yelled in my face and pushed me off his body and on the floor.

"I-I am so so-sorry Ju-Justin." I stuttered, getting up quickly.

"I don't need your stupid apologies, kiddo." He growled, glaring at me and turned to leave, but I grabbed his wrist to stop him.


"Did you just touch me?" He asked, his fists clenching by his sides.

"I'm sorry, I needed to ask you something." I explained in a small voice, kind of scared of his reaction.

"What would you have to ask me?" He huffed.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter." I told him, giving up on trying to get along with him and turned to walk away. What shocked me though, was a soft hand grasping my wrist and turning me back around to face Justin.

"Ask away." He said, his voice surprisingly calm and his expression noticeably softer.

"Oh. I-..." I began, not finding it in me to get the right words out and he cut me off.

"I don't have all day." He snapped.

"Sorry, I was just wondering. Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?" I asked, finally gaining some confidence and looked down. I felt two hands grab my face from each side and he made me look into his beautiful amber eyes. I was so lost in his eyes that I almost missed his next words.

"I don't hate you, okay?" He admitted in a soft tone, that it seemed sincere.

"What?" I whispered, because he was so close to my face that I couldn't talk properly.

"I don't hate you." He repeated and came closer to my face. "It's impossible for me to even hide it anymore." He said and before I could comprehend what was happening, a kiss was planted on my cheek, sending tingles through my body. Only the feeling of his lips on my face was enough to make the butterflies in my stomach explode.

"Uhm... What?" I asked, lost for words, and he smiled genuinely.

"I like you, Niall." He looked right into my eyes while saying that and made me weak on my knees.

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