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As soon as Nolan pulled the car into a parking space at the hotel both Blithe boys disappeared leaving me alone. The whole ride had been bickering and snide comments... I forgot how awful they are around each other, mostly how Noah brings out the worst of Nolan... and vice versa. Both giving me a killer headache. How do I solve that? Sticking my head behind a camera capturing the moment, or according to Nolan "the time before it all goes down in flames" either way I'm getting paid to capture the moment. But I don't exactly see the moment between them like I do with other couples... like the moment when it just really sets in how much they love each other and that they are getting married... I hope they find it... everyone should have it at least once.

I photographed the couples, the new the old, the odd... and then there was Macey with the date no one knew, and the drunk lonely souls waddling around... not crying but whining and complaining for the most part... no happy drunks. We need happy drunks here. I'll make a happy drunk if that's what this wedding needs. I grabbed a tray of strong drinks and walked over to Macey "drink up," she motioned to the glass in her hand "drink up," I repeated handing her another glass "it's dead in here and the pictures suck... come on get drunk lead people to... anywhere." She sat the drink back down on the tray "the last thing I want to do is make this wedding a success," I handed the drink back to her "your going to look back on this years later and you can either yawn or remember how you were the party savior... how the wedding was fun because of you," her fingers wrapped more firmly on the glass as she saw it in her own eyes. She grabbed another one handing it to her date "you want a front row seat, let's stir something up..." her date smiled "famous last words right there," she grinned and I knew she would do exactly as she said, her entire personality just seemed to start glowing, her eyes lighting up... finally something I can photograph.

Maybe the drinks were too strong, or maybe the music was too loud but everything was getting hazy... not only in my eyes but with my lenses also, the dancing the smiles the things they would need to see years from now when they were on the edge of divorce on the edge of... wanting to end it all. Hell we all need photos for moments like those. "Hey Cait," there Nolan stood in front of my camera, his figure cut through the haze, standing out sharply "Move, I'm trying to do my job," he gently pushed the camera down "and you told me at the end of the day he got her and I got you..." I stepped away from him disgusted "Nolan... the look on your face when Noah said that I kissed him... before I get anywhere near being with you... I met Noah first Nolan, he asked me out multiple times before we started dating... but I chose you... and you can't seem to get that, but you need too if you want this... to ever happen again..," how during all of that I hadn't noticed him getting closer, him right in front of my face... hell how did I not feel him kissing my lips, sucking the air out of my lungs as confetti fell from the ceiling of the... where the hell are we anyway? Sparklers seemed to go off around the room as he pulled away. Congratulations roared around the entire room, the haze parted just long enough for me too watch the white dress and black suit leave the room and head for their car. I stared at the whole room, did I miss the wedding? I'm so not going to get paid for this.
Everything fell back into the haze as I turned around to ask Nolan what happened but there was just a blank wall, but a hand grabbed mine, pulling me to the door as a smiling Macey pushed me along and as Spencer saluted me, the haze grew thicker and thicker, but before I lost all sense, I brought my camera up, taking a picture of whoever was pulling me around, as the flash went off, all memory after that faded away.

The pillow hit my stomach making my eyes fly open, getting blinded by the light of the fire in front of me. My hotel room does not have a fireplace, "get up," the voice grumbled and it took me a moment to realize it was Nolan, standing there rubbing his eyes as his thick hair stood there messily "where are..." "Spencer's family cabin in Michigan," Macey mumbled pulling a sweatshirt over her t-shirt "how far north are we?" "Only a train ride away... relax people... we won't be in any trouble," Spencer had obviously had to explain this before "well I have to be there early to take pictures..." Nolan rolled his eyes "you work for Lilly Cait... make Lilly do it," I threw a pillow back at him "Lilly is my first name jackass, " his jaw dropped "oh yeah... Lillian Caitlyn Blithe..." I reached for another pillow to throw at him "Blithe?" I yelled his eyes widened as his jaw dropped "I didn't mean... it just slipped Cait, I swear," I got up off the floor and realized I was only wearing lingerie... and not my own... that's when I looked at Macey. "You insisted on modeling my lingerie... I wasn't about to say no... I thought the piece looked good on you anyway." "How the hell did we get here?" I asked trying to remember what happened... or anything that happened "isn't that the million dollar question,"

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