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She pushed me up against the wall, desperation in her eyes "what do you think of her?" I pushed Sofia off of me "who?" "Macey! The model... I saw you talking to her!" My head pounded as she yelled at me "she's nice," nice enough to help me stop your wedding. "Nice? Nice doesn't get Noah  talking about someone, nice doesn't make them his best friend...." I shrugged "and she's hot and funny, and listens, makes you feel understood, like your not alone....." from the look in Sofia's eyes I knew that was not what she needed to hear "but I hate her... because once you look past all that she's self absorbed and a bitch and I hate her," she cracked a smile "you want to sleep with her don't you?" "No." It came out fast and definite, no time for me to think of what I would of said if... well if Macey and I hadn't planned to stop a wedding.

"See look at that, she talking to Noah's parents, their laughing and smiling... they never laughed or smiled when they visited us... they don't like me." This was good, all very good. "So go talk to my parents... they love you more than me," that was unfortunately not a lie. She sighed talking another sip of her wine "I could use a pick me up." "Exactly, now go..." I shoved her towards my parents and Macey gravitated towards me. "You know what I've always thought was ridiculous about marriage?" Her eye brows raised as she smiled "what?" "If you get married to who you think is the absolute love of your life and then a day later you meet someone else and it's just this amazing connection you've never had before... you can't do anything about it, your stuck with the same person with regrets until you die or get a divorce..." she started laughing "that's a really depressing way to look at marriage Spencer... it doesn't have to be a death trap... we just have to convince Sofia and Noah that theirs would be," I raised my glass "to the destruction of a wedding," "Salute,"

"I just don't get why he isn't here yet..." Sofia laid on the bed whining, I was wondering the same god damn thing, how is Macey supposed to convince him, if he doesn't show up? "Maybe it's good he isn't here, gives you time to think about things," she let out a sigh "I'm sick and tired of thinking and waiting, and wondering... all I want to do, is get married to Noah, have kids and just be happy, really just honestly happy." Her words made me sick, I mean why can't she just see that I'm her guy, I'm the one she's supposed to fall in love with and marry, living happily ever after, not Noah, he has Macey, and she's amazing, I honestly don't know why they aren't together, their personalities are so similar, his family loves her... they would be perfect together. "I'll go check the weather and stuff, maybe it's holding them up," she nodded "you really are the best Spence."

"Spencer come here dear," I did not want to talk to my parents right now. "In a minute mom," I called looking for Nolan or... well Nolan, I haven't really met many of Noah's friends. "Spencer, I have someone I want you to meet." From the tone of her voice I knew that if I didn't go over there, she would drag me by the ear to bring me. "Coming," taking a deep breath, I turned around and walked towards my parents and Macey. "Spencer this is Macey Iston, she is just a wonderful person, and Macey this was my son that I was talking about." She looked so pleased, as if she had just introduced us "mom, I've already met Macey." The pleasure disappeared and let the curiosity take hold of her "where did you two meet?" A bar, is probably not the place to say "Spencer overheard me talking to my assistant about holiday delivery and how the packages had to be there before Christmas Day, and he asked if I was Santa Clause." My dad burst out laughing, my mother nervously following his lead in laughing. She was trying to figure out if Macey liked me and vice versa, she had given up on Sofia and I minute she met Noah, I have no faith in my mother. "What a charming story you two, now Macey, do tell, are you parents around somewhere, I would just love to meet them if their even as half as charming as you," "well their actually divorced, my father is in that group by the fireplace, teaching the younger men about cigars and aging whiskey, my mother is the one in the navy dress sitting beside the young woman holding a book," they both walked off, going to what seemed to be their designated paths.

"I am so sorry about that," she smiled having her head "their fine, very nice, Noah's parents introduced me to them." "Speaking of him, where is he?" She shrugged "I can't find Nolan and he seems to be the only one getting updates, which I think is odd, especially since Nolan is not always the most responsible person in the world." "Sofias freaking out, which is kind of good, but at the same time..." "she need to know that he is coming, just delays and stuff to make her antsy, I got it, I'll hunt the Nolan down and find some answers." "Thank you," she smiled over her shoulder as she walked away, making her curled hair bounce in a hypnotic way.

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