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I think I kind of hate the guy. Noah. What a stupid name, he can go take his ark and shove it up his...I mean leave. "So who's your date?" As soon as my sister Devyn, asked me that I knew I should of had a plan, or at least someone on call to be my date "not here yet," I took another sip of whatever the bartender had set in front of me. "You do have a date, right Spencer?" I sighed preparing my story "of course I have a date, why would I not plan to have a date to my best friends wedding? The only thing is that she's flying in from out of the country and maybe a little late.. I figure if worst comes to worst and she's in lay over in Moscow, then I just won't have a date, because I can't just betray my date like that by getting a new one." She just looked at me with the same look she's given me since she was born, it's typically followed with the words "your so stupid" but this time she decided to mix things up "wow... how long did you work on that one?" "Just came to me, improv style, you should be proud of your big brother Dev, I'm a real winner." She nodded trying to get the bartenders attention "Spence, I'm going to find you a date," I got a flash back of every person she had ever tried to set me up with, notice how none of them are my date right now. "No you aren't..." she flipped me off as she got the bartender to walk her way "I'd tell you to go fuck yourself spence, but as of now, with no date, that seems to be the only thing you can do... if only there was someone who was offering to help find you a date... scotch on the rocks with a twist" Devyn is going to kill me one day, I can just see it now.

"Make sure that all the inventory is accounted for, this is the holiday season shipping rush, I can't afford to have the gifts delivered late... well I don't give a damn if the snow is supposed to back a few streets up, get the interns and start shoveling, throw salt on everything... well damn it, walk the Brooklyn bridge, take a boat, skate across the river for all I care, those packages have to be delivered before Christmas Day, or so help me God your fired." I felt the need to make so many jokes to the woman who sat in the chair next to me in the lobby. "I didn't know Santa was a woman," she turned to glare at me "I don't have a beard, I'm not fat, and as of this moment I'm nowhere near jolly, so go fuck yourself." Normally after a statement like that you would expect the person to just walk away... but she stayed, and there was no way I was about to give up my seat. As I leaned back in my chair, I stared noticing the looks people gave the woman next to me, lots of whispering and not so hidden pointing. "What are you famous?" I asked her again "well according to you I'm Santa, so I'd say yeah... took them long enough to realize it was me though, being a woman and all." I nodded and she just rolled her eyes "they don't actually know who I am, they just know I look familiar and they just can't quite put their finger on where they've seen me..." she went back to her phone and I just decided to give up. I didn't actually care, just trying to kill some time.

"When's he getting in?" I asked Sofia as we sat in the cafe on the other side of the town, she just shrugged "roads are closed because of the snow.., it's taking longer... I told him that going to this stupid tournament in Arkansas was idiotic... especially when they drove... and we're getting married in two days... I mean what the hell am I going to do if in two days he's still not here? FaceTime the wedding? I can't postpone, there's too much money and time in this to cancel..." all the emotions just kind of seemed to pour out of her, making me feel awful for wanting this wedding to go horrible wrong in every possible way. But only just a little bit.

"Who is that over there?" I nodded in the direction of the Santa woman from earlier, Sofia shrugged but then spotted Noah's brother "Nolan, come here please," he looked reluctant, looking back at a girl on the other side of the room "my idiot brother here yet?" He asked walking over to us, Sofia just shook her head "who's that woman over there on the phone pacing?" She asked him "in the white turtle neck with the fur vest?" We nodded and he just smiled "that would be Macey, Macey Iston... her brother Blaise is over there next to the fire place in the sweater with that fake redhead glued to his side." Nolan shook his head at Blaise "why the disapproval?" She asked curiously and he just smirked "that woman over there next to the other fire place, reading a book, that's his ex fiancé... notice the quality difference." I nodded seeing the clear difference in levels, from his ex fiancé's naturally colored hair, to the way she looked like she walked out of a J-Crew catalog... unlike the fake red heads plunging ill fitted neckline. "But who is Macey Iston?" Sofia asked "Noah and I grew up with her and her brother, Noah and her were the best of friends in high school, she was a model in Europe for a while before she started her own jewelry business... it's pretty successful actually, she was on the cover of Forbes, InStyle, Vogue, and I'm pretty sure Vanity Fair..." I'd never actually seen the color completely just drain out of a persons face... until now.

So she said "yes"Where stories live. Discover now