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Maybe sometimes the happiness doesn't run out, maybe sometimes it's all you need. What Blaise and Devyn had said was all I could think about but since I was trying to fix a problem my assistant had screwed up, now was not the best time. "Listen well, I am trusting you to fix this problem, and I know you will because it's your ass on the line, not mine, now I need this done as quietly and quickly as possible without you ruining my reputation." I hung the phone up and just sat there on a bench in the hallway next to a fake tree. People were coming in and out of their rooms, smiling and laughing, I knew they were here for the wedding, but I didn't know who any of them were. Hell I haven't even met any of the other groomsmen or a single bridesmaid. Maybe I don't know him as well as I used too, and maybe things wouldn't work between us, but I have to take that chance.

"Cait listen I know I'm not supposed to know that you and Nolan went to go find Noah, but were all dying here, just give me something... or let me talk to Noah if you've got him there... listen I know," "Macey you don't know, you don't know how much of an ass Noah is, you don't know how poorly Nolan has been treated by him over the years... all you ever saw was Noah the golden boy with a damn ark... so excuse me if I don't feel as if it's in your best interest to talk to him right now." I sat there quietly "Nolan has always over reacted..." "shut it Mace, we like the Bilthe brothers, you got the golden one, and I got the one in the shadow, but Nolan shouldn't of been in the shadow, he has an MBA, he has the corner office, he's almost done with his doctorate... he's bailed Noah out of things, got the court records sealed... found him his job, Macey I know you want to believe that Noah is perfect, but he is the farthest thing from it, and you can do so much better..." "I don't want better, I want him Cait... him." She hung the phone up on me, which maybe I deserved, but she choose Nolan, she could of had Noah if she wanted, they started the whole thing... and I was  too blind to see what I was missing, giving up for Europe. It's strange to think that I'm comparing a guy to a whole continent, a whole lifetime of friends and memories... but I am, that's how much I want him, how much I feel I need him.

"So I called this guy," I stared at Blaise, "Don't you think thats a bit quick? I mean I'll help you break the news to mom and dad, you can say I'm insane... I guess..." "what? No, I'm not gay, although with these women... I wish I was, Spencer's hot... but I called one of my friends who lives in the area right now... he's going to be your date and you don't have a choice because he's one of the few good guys I know that's still fun... Don't complain and his name is..." he stopped talking and I almost though he was having a heart attack "his name is Matt and I'd say he's pretty good looking too," I turned to the voice behind me, and found he wasn't lying, the tall blonde with the smile that could kill and the mischievous kind of sparkle in his eyes, the kind that said there was absolutely no future here and that's fine by me. Maybe I did need him.

"Look I'm so not going to apologize for what my brother did because you are hot and don't seem like a total bore, but just so you know I'm trying to stop this wedding so that I can have the groom and Spencer can have the bride..." he stopped me sitting on the bar stool next to mine "hey I'm just here for a good time, and from what you said, sounds like it should be a memorable wedding." "Only for the few that know," he smiled "you a lot more relaxed than Blaise described you... and since you have the stress of ruining the wedding," I laughed "I'm a pretty mellow person, going with the flow is one of my motto's," he nodded "sometimes you have to grab the log to stay afloat," I was trying not to already glare at him "sometimes you need to almost drown for a while to see what really matters to you," he smiled at me "the problem is figuring out when to grab the log..." he was making it real hard for me to stay polite "maybe I'm a natural floater," "then why drown? Takes a lot of effort to try and sink when you float... seems like you could just grab the log and float to the shore... figure things out there," and so I glared at him, what choice did I have... he was being an ass. "You can leave now Matt," he shook his head "please, Blaise has told me what's really going on here... no way in hell I'll leaving my front row seat..." I glared at him again "and what's really going on here Matt?"

So she said "yes"Where stories live. Discover now