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"You can't just fucking say that to someone after we made that deal!" He shrugged "you said anything... so I said what I needed to say... and now, let's not make this awkward Cait and move on." I am going to murder him "just so you know, doors work both ways," he looked at me confused "you didn't try and find me Nolan, instead you moped around..." "that's not true Cait, I was confused and you wouldn't answer my calls... no one would tell me where you were..." "so you tried to find me?" He nodded "I wanted to, desperately... but I didn't..." "see, this was the awkward part I was talking about," "you said!" I laughed "I know what I said Nol... now bitch about Noah again, makes me feel like a good person."

"Your sure this is the right hospital?" I asked as we stood outside the car staring at it. "No... but I think this is what he said," "does Noah not get the concept of texting?" He shrugged "his phone is dead and he had my number memorized," "sounds pretty dependent to me," he rolled his eyes "I'm still going to punch him," "I'm not going to stop you Nolan..." he nodded to himself as he started walking towards the hospital.

"Can you tell me what room Noah Bilthe is in?" The nurse looked us over "you family?" She asked "It's his brother and I'm his wife," as soon as I said that I hid my left hand behind his back as she looked through the records "314" his fists clenched but I held his arm back "not yet... wait until we're out of here..." he ripped away from my grasp, storming towards the elevator, leaving me standing there watching him, only able to imagine what's running through his head right now "what's his deal?" The nurse seemed curious... and a bit like a gossip, but I was dying to tell someone. "His brothers a basketball coach in Chicago, and he's supposed to get married in less than 48 hours, but instead of staying in Chicago with his fiancé who is freaking out, he went to a basketball tournament... and the worst part is, he refuses to call anyone else but Nolan... his baby brother, and he's done this sort of shit before... but what kind of a man leaves the week of his wedding?" Her eyes were wide "I don't think I would be able to marry him if he was my fiancé," "if he had pulled this sort of shit on me I would of thrown his stuff outside on a curb and changed the locks."

I walked down the hallway to room 314 to find Nolan outside it breathing heavily "I don't think I can..." he whispered looking terrified "Nol, he has used you since you were a kid, you were always the scapegoat... and he was the charmer... but now your adults and this is your final time bailing him out..." he shook his head "and then what? I stand there watching Sofia walk down the aisle and marry him? Maybe Macey and Spencer had the right idea." I slapped him "no, your going to stand there and be the best man, but after it's all over, in a month you'll send Sofia a package with divorce papers in it, and that'll be the end of your involvement in his charade." "But at the end of the day he still gets the girl... he still gets it all... there has to be some sort of punishment for it..." I kissed him "at the end of the day he gets to live in his selfish mind as everyone watches his marriage fall apart, but you get..." a smile crept onto his face "what do I get?" He wants me to say me... and I want to say it... I really do, but that's not what he will get "at the end of the day you get stability and a life that isn't defined by your past failures..." the smile melted away to a slightly disappointed face "and maybe me and the roadster," he shook his head "your just saying that..." I kissed him again, but really, really meant it this time, pressing him up against the wall and everything "I don't just say things to say things Nol, now get in there and tell him off... make up for the past 25 years of hell he's put you through,"

I stood in the doorway as Nolan stood in front of the bed looking at Noah "here's my baby brother, always pulling through for me," there's the Noah I know and kind of hate "and look at that, is that Cait... my god I haven't seen you since you were..." " hired as your wedding photographer," he nodded and I just frowned "Noah listen," Nolan tried to start but was stopped "I know you think it's irresponsible that I came on this trip, but my team needed me, the boys needed me to help them win this thing," and that's when it hit me, Noah was so stuck in the past, this wasn't about responsibility, this was about him missing the winning shot at some stupid state basketball game... this was absolutely ridiculous and selfish... as always.

I watched his fists clench as Noah went on and on about the tournament "your getting married in less than 2 days!" He yelled "hey, relax Nolly... jeez, was he like this the whole way here Cait?" "Shut up and just listen to what I'm saying for once you arrogant asshole!" Noah sunk back in bed quietly "your getting married and you left your fiancé the week of your wedding... she's been freaking out, and you won't answer her calls or anyone's beside mine, which is a real asshole move by the way," "Nolan it's just a wedding... it's just a party," "Noah your wedding day is the day that you no longer can just look out for yourself, you have Sofia to care for and what ever kids you may have, nothing is about you after that day... and when you finally realize that it may just be to late, and I will not be there to help you," Noah shook his head "you wouldn't do that to your nieces and nephews or Sofia would you... and your own brother, come on, be real?" Nolan crossed his arms "I'm being real, I'm done being your first mate, I'm done looking after you when you screw things up... I have a life and my own mistakes... and just so you know, you screw things up with Sofia, I'm going to help her, not you... because your still just the whiny son of a bitch that you've always been." Noah rolled his eyes "your just Noah's little brother, that's all you'll ever be to anyone, " Nolan shook his head "maybe in school I was, but I have a MBA and I'm almost done with my doctorate from Columbia... I'm Nolan there, Nolan the guy with the corner office, Nolan the guy who could run the company on his own... Nolan, the guy earning more degrees than needed because he's going places... you maybe the Golden boy to mom and dad, but I'm the successful one," I didn't even see Noah's fist fly towards Nolan . Noah sat there holding his hand, panting as Nolan held his jaw "you may have the job but I'm not alone... Cait left you, and now she's here out of pity." I shook my head "oh come on Cait, you know that when we kissed that one time, there was something between us, something Nolan just didn't possess," my fist went directly to his cheek, making him cut his lip. "I'd never kiss a son of a bitch like you,"

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