Ok wow!!

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Dear diary

I don't even know why I'm writing in this piece of junk but I don't have anyone to talk to so... I kinda have no choice.

School is honestly the worst place. I know that everyone says that school sucks but for me, I'm not exaggerating when I mean school is quite literally the worst place to be. Everyone judging you all the time about the way you look, what you say and who you do or don't hang out with. I tend to get weird looks because I hang out by myself. Like where's the big problem?People in my school are so self-obsessed it pisses me off so much... which means a lot since I don't get pissed off easily.

I used to have really good grades but they went down a lot after Eva died. The funeral was the worst part. I was supposed to speak but I couldn't. I hate myself for not speaking, but I couldn't bear even to stand, let alone speak in front of people... people who are crying in sadness and confusion as to why she did what she did.

I don't really do anything on the weekends, sometimes I'll do my homework but I have no need I tend to not go to school. I don't give a fuck about school anymore. My mum is always out of the house and my dad left us years ago. When he first left it was hard, but now I'm glad I don't have scum like him around anymore. My mum, however never really got over him leaving. Sometimes I feel sorry for her. I want her to be fine, I really do, but drinking and smoking doesn't help her at all. She'll come back home with a random man from the pub and he'll be gone by the morning before she comes out of her room angry, sad and having the worst hangover I've ever seen. Then she'll sit on the couch and start crying, saying that's she's lonely and no matter how much I tell her I'm here for her and that I love her, the pattern continues. It makes me sick.

Sometimes in the night I'll just go to the park and sit on one of the mouldy benches and simply read. It helps me calm down and I love the way I can get so caught up in a fantasy.

I think that's enough for tonight. Bye, you scrawly piece of shit.

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