The book she had been holding slipped from her hand as she stumbled back terrified.

"Another one of those crime thrillers?" Riya asked grinning wide.

Natasha could just manage a sheepish smile. There was just one person in this world who could tell what kind of book she had been reading just by the look on her face. And to have a best friend like Riya, Natasha knew she was really lucky.

Recovering from the shock, she once again busied herself in selecting a book. But Riya wasn't in a mood to give her that time today. She pulled Natasha up to her feet and dragged her to the end of that row. Peeking out, she motioned towards the boy.

"He's handsome, na?"

Natasha spared him a glance before smiling big at Riya.

"Looks like someone has finally liked something in this old dusty place."

Her sarcastic tone didn't go unnoticed. Riya punched her in the shoulder before dragging her back in.

"I feel like talking to him Nat and you're going to help me."

"What, me?" Natasha asked almost shocked, "It's always been you making the friends. That's not my thing."

"Don't tell me what I already know Nat. Look, I talked to him a bit but it didn't go quite well."

Natasha lifted her eyebrows accusingly.

"It was nothing like that okay. I'll tell that story later. For now, just use your books as a common ground and help him know his name and stuff."

"His name is Amit."

Riya's jaw dropped hearing that.

"How the hell do you know that?"

"He told me. We were talking for almost half an hour before I came to find a book. He's new to the town and an ardent reader like me. This is his first day at the library. So we were just discussing the basic stuff."

Riya couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her friend spent half an hour chatting with a boy, and that too in a library! Sun was definitely going to set in the east today.

"He also said he likes romance novels and is a big fan of Jack Reacher."

That was the finger Riya needed to hold on.

"Get me a Reacher. I have a guy to impress."

Bewitched by her friend's excitement, Natasha complied without a question. Within a minute, they were sitting there in front of the so-called handsome boy. They both held a 'Lee Child' book.

Seconds passed, then minutes, but the boy never looked up. Natasha once again lost herself in the thrill of action while occasionally stealing glances at the boy. Riya, on the other hand, was staring at him while just stealing a handful of glances in the book.

"So you like Jack too?"

Riya didn't know when exactly did he look up, but he was searching something in her eyes right now. Shocked by the sudden question, she remembered Natasha's words and blurted without sparing a thought.

"Yes, he's my favorite writer. His romantic stories are the best."

Both the boy and Natasha burst out into a laughter. Natasha even banged her head on the table once while laughing. Riya didn't understand much, but judging by the reaction her words got, she knew she messed up pretty bad. Embarrassed to the core, she didn't even raise her eye.

Amit's phone rang at the perfect moment to save Riya some blushes. Disconnecting the call, he got up and held out a hand to Natasha.

"I need to go now," he said showing his phone.

Natasha shook his hand, both still smiling wide.

"I guess we'll meet again soon."

This time he extended his hand towards Riya. She held his firm hand in her shaking one.

"I guess we will."

Amit left immediately. Riya and Natasha sometime later. But this incident never exited from their minds or their talks.

The incident was so close to both of them that it was still etched in Riya's mind. For her, it was as if it happened just yesterday. And why wouldn't it be?

Yes, that guy never showed up after that day or the fact that Natasha never stopped teasing her about it, but it was still the only happy memory she had about that library. On all the other occasions, she would either be cursing or fighting with Natasha for dragging her to that place. The place which was so dear to Natasha. The place which she loved the most.

That was without a doubt the only memory of that library which Riya loved the most. And maybe that's why when Tanmay asked her something related to the library, she narrated the whole incident to him. They had both shared a laugh using emoticons. But then, he asked something which left her fragile for a second.

'I'm a bit jealous. I never had a friend like this to share such moments. Lucky you.

You and your friend must be so near, right?'

That message from him sniffed the energy out of her. She looked over at Natasha, still lying motionless in the bed. She took Natasha's hand in hers and held it close to her heart. Ofcourse, they're near. And yet, they're so far.

'Yes', was all she could reply before the tears took over.


24th June 2017

"The memories of some places and people stay forever in your heart."


For the readers who don't know, Jack Reacher is the main character of Lee Child's crime thrillers.

If you like that genre, then that character is the one for you.

And now, what do you think about Riya's thoughts.
Why do readers select the books?

Why can't they just pick one up and start reading?

You know what I think?

If the writers create a perfect mystery through their words, then readers are already a perfect mystery.

A peculiar brand which no one has understood till now and no one will in the future.

And at last, it is evident that Riya is frequently chatting with Tanmay.

How do you see their relationship developing in the future?

I guess we'll find out soon...

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