Humble Pie?

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Has your mother ever told you "You needs a good helping of humble pie"? Has someone mentioned a person they knew who had eaten "humble pie"? 

Well, The Oxford Dictionary describes this phrase as:

eat humble pie

phr. make a humble apology and accept humiliation

Apologize and accept humiliation. Such a simple, no-nonsense way of explaining it. 

It's not a simple thing to do, is it? When we profess Christ to be our Salvation and Redemption, that is not easy. We have to admit our utter failure to do anything good. That is against our entire sinful being -the old Adam in us. We have to "make a humble apology and accept humiliation" or eat humble pie, to even begin to see what a blessing Jesus' gift of salvation really is. We have to be humble in the face of this incredible thing offered to us. That is why the prophet Micah (who was a tool used by the Holy Spirit) said;

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God ?" (Micah 6:8)

Think about how Jesus, the King crowned with glory and honor, had to accept humiliation on OUR behalf. He was and is the only One who could do it. He was perfect in every way, being God, and yet, He decided to accept the humiliation that we deserved so, so, so much... because He wanted to. We so badly want to make it up to God... but we can't. We can't be that sacrifice on the cross. We can't take the full humiliation that Jesus bore. We can't be that humble sacrifice that Jesus offered as He died.

But that is why His grace is so overwhelmingly beautiful. We get to walk in the knowledge that we are FREE, FREE from everything that the world hurls at us. Proverbs says "The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honor and life" (Proverbs 22:4). We receive the riches of salvation and the honor of being His children and the life offered that is both present and eternal.

C.S. Lewis once wrote, "Humility is not thinking of yourself less, it is thinking less of yourself." ( We cannot think pridefully of ourselves if we remember that without Jesus, nothing would have changed for us. We would have been stuck our awful situations without Him and the hope He offered. We can now walk humbly with our God, walking in the freedom that our humiliation has been born for us and nothing we do adds to our salvation. We can walk in the freedom that our kindness, gentleness, humility, love, compassion, and other fruits of the Spirit are the result of a life of faith, committed to Him.


The Oxford English Dictionary. <>, accessed June 24, 2017.

English Standard Version Bible. (For all verses). Accessed June 24, 2017.

Lewis, C.S. . <>, accessed June 24, 2017.

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