Epilogue ☾

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Tears fall down my face as I stare out into the garden. A month have passed since we returned to the Emerald Isle. Father and Estrellia have remained on the Isle. We feel that for the time being it is safe for them to remain here. It is uncertain when the Order will appear out of nowhere. Knowing that Estrellia is also in danger they may target her. Now that time has passed mothers death is beginning to sink in. However, my tears do not wish to stop for the time being. Estreliia and I have been mourning mothers death. We attempt to remain strong when father is present. He is at a loss without mother at his side, which is natural. It saddens me that she hid the truth from me when she knew that my vision was accurate. Yet, she dismissed it and took action on her own when the time came. I am confused as to why she choose to sacrifice herself. Mother could have escaped from their grasp if she allowed us to fight.

Yet she died with a smile on her face after announcing that we will be reunited. Yes, I am certain that when my time comes I will see mother again. However, I do not plan to join her in the after life for many years. I would like to raise my own family with Blyn, and see my children grown. If the Gods allow it then I would love to see my grandchild. Only then will I allow myself to join mother, and my family in the after life. I suppose that fate works in mysterious ways, and the Gods had a plan for mother. I only pray that we are able to defeat the Order, and live the remainder of our lives in peace. I do not want my children to live in an era where the Realm is plagued by fear. My parents, as well as Blyn's, fought to bring peace during the war.

A strong gust of wind carried the scent of roses towards me. I snap out of my thoughts to stare at Estrellia. She is smiling as she collects flowers. We ventured out into the gardens to create crowns made of flowers. This is an activity we enjoyed to do as young girls. Tears fall down Estrellia's face when she picks up a daisy. I am not surprised since it was one of mother's favorite flowers. She looks up at me with big eyes, while she attempts to dry her tears.

"It is alright to cry over mother. I still find myself crying at times," I tell her.

She rushes over to my side, and drops her flowers. The bundle of flowers fall to the ground beside us. She wraps her arms around my waist, and then rests her head on my shoulder. My hand moves up to her hair. I run my fingers through her thick wavy hair.

"Why did she have to die Carita? Why did mother have to die saving us!" Estrellia screams in agony in between crying.

I continue to run my fingers through her hair. I hope that this helps soothe her pain. Her body trembles against me as she cries.

"Mother risked her life in order to protect us. These people want to use our magic for their own agenda," I inform her.

Estrellia's crying ceases as she tilts her head. Her bright colored eyes stare at me with pain and confusion.

"I can understand why these people want your magic. However, why do they want me? My true magic has not appeared," she said.

"That is true, but they know you will be powerful. These individuals would take you and train you in their ways young. That way you would not know right from wrong," I said.

Estrellia raises an eyebrow, "I suppose that is true, yet mother and father have taught me the basics".

I nod my head since our parents have taught us about magic since we were children. They also instilled morals into their children to lead positive lives. Despite this I am certain they would brainwash Estrellia. While she may be a young woman, she is still impressionable.

"That is correct yet you are still young, Estrellia. I am certain these people would attempt to turn you against our family," I say.

"Yes you are right. Despite what has happened I am happy to be here. I was lonely after you left to be with your mate," she said.

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