Chapter Thirty-three ♛

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I hold  my beautiful Carita to my side. She moves herself into my side to remains close. The scent of her shampoo drifts to my nose. I allow her scent and presence to relax me.

The thought of my sweet Carita being harmed or taken angers me. I have not been able to rid myself of these thoughts. My Beast growls loudly in my mind. He is furious at the thought of someone taking our mate.

How could I when this Order were on my lands? They should not have been able to enter the Emerald Isle. Only residents or those invited may enter. Then, they attempted to kidnap her while we were at the market.

If the Order's agenda is met the Realm will be in grave danger. My mate is powerful, and I am certain there are many other powerful people. If they were to happen to gather these people and use them disaster will strike. We may not see an attack coming before it is too late.

My dull train of thought enters when the Carita continues to call my name. I look down at my beautiful wife. She looks up at me with concern in her eyes. I smile at her in hopes to ease her.

Her blonde hair with pink ends is loose. A delicate gold crown rests on top of her head. She looks stunning in an emerald gown with gold embroidery throughout the gown. A lighter gold material is on the center bottom of the gown.

"Blyn, are you well my love? You have been lost in thought for quite some time," says Carita.

My hand moves upward to cup her face. Her porcelain skin feels soft against my hand. I smile at her to reassure her all is well. It is not my intention to worry her. After the event in the market I wish to make her feel at ease.

"All is well my dove. I was simply lost in thought of what we can do after the meeting," I reassure her.

She returns my smile as she leans into my touch. "I would be glad if that were true. The appearance on your face told me that you are worried".

A chuckle escapes my lips since it appears difficult to keep secrets. My sweet little dove seems to notice what I wish to remain hidden. I simply would not like to cause her stress. Carita already feels stressed with the current situation with the Order.

"Yes I am worried did to the current situation. However, I would like us to do something you enjoy afterwards," I tell her.

A soft smile appears on Carita's face. She wraps her arms around my neck. I allow her to pull my large frame down to her height. Carita places a kiss on my lips. My hands wrap around her waist, and I return her kiss with passion. She moans softly into the kiss, which lights a fire within me. Oh how I would enjoy to continue this in the bedroom at the Inn.

Our lips separate and Carita breathes softly. She hides her face in my Emerald jacket. I chuckle at her and place a kiss on top of her head. Callen and Barri have remained silent. They are standing on both of our sides.

"I am sorry to have worried you my dove. My thoughts ran in that direction because I worry about you," I said.

"I know why you are worried Blyn, and I understand. However, I believe that we will get through this situation together," said Carita in my mind.

"I do not know what I would like to do after the Summit. We can decide once if it over," she said.

I continue to hold onto her. "Yes we can decide what to do after the Summit. We shall see what we have energy for".

The guard at the entrance instructs is to enter the meeting hall. I hold onto Carita as we enter the meeting hall. We sit on two wooden chairs. Above the chairs is the symbol of the Emerald Isle. Callen, and Bari stand on our sides.

Love by the Mystic SeaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang