Chapter Thirty-seven ☾

Start from the beginning

The cloaked individual in the center stands unfazed. They are holding the chains controlling the remaining guards. That attack should have gotten past their defenses, yet it did not. Perhaps the they are using the guards as a shield. In the fashion they are controlling the guards resembles a puppeteer.

"What reason does your organization have to take my mother, sister, and I?" I question while starting at the puppet master.

"It is quite simple my dear, we need people that possess tremendous magical power," says a feminine voice

"Why do you need us then? You already have powerful allies," I inquire. While her allies may be injured for now they are powerful.

The hood of the cloak moves to the side, which allows me to see green eyes. "We require power to complete our orders highest mission," she said.

"That does not mean we want to go with you! Power is not everything, and we have our own lives," cries Estrellia.

I nod my head in agreement since her words are true. From the corner of my eye I see her. Her face appears angry as she hides behind father. She must feel angry that she is not participating in the fight. While it is a fight that concerns her life she is safer with father. I would consider her help once  her true magic surfaces, and she is able to control it.

"Oh my dear little child you will enjoy being controlled. Once you are in our hands you shall not feel pain or have any more troubles," said the woman.

From where I am standing I can feel Blyn seethe in anger. There is a stab of anger in the pit of my stomach. It is not up to others to decide on our fate. As people we feel all the emotions we are given. We go through life to feel happiness, pain, and sorrow.

"That is no longer a life if you cannot feel! People are not yours to control as you please!" Shouts Blyn in anger as he stands next to me.

The woman smiles as she tilts her head up to gaze at the sky. "You are mistaken because it is a wonderful life. My master showed me the true way, and this is it".

Mother sighs in disappointment as she shakes her head. "My sweet child this is not a life you are living. Death is better than being controlled to fight for an evil agenda," said mother. Her tone is cold and stern as she addresses the woman.

The woman sighs as she continues to look up. She moves her hands up, and the down. The guards groan and scream in pain. The chains move out of their bodies. There are cuts and stab wounds with blood oozing. These men and women require immediate medical attention. If she has relayed them then perhaps mothers words have awakened her. She screams loudly, and then more chains appears out of thin air.

"I shall take you with me by force! It would be a shame to my masters if I brought you hack dead," she said.

The woman screams as she commands the chains. My feet dance against the ground as I dodge them. My eyes focus on the curve of the chain to not get caught. Her speed increases, and it appears there are more than one chain. It difficult to dodge multiple chains at once. Her chains attenotngrab a hold of Estrellia and Azalea, but the barrier protects them. Her chains continue to attack the protective barrier. Callen rushes to guard the barrier from attacks. Metal clashes against metal as he protects the barrier.

Suddenly, a cool metal wraps itself around my leg. My hand moves downward and I focus my magic on the chain. I am able to place a dent on the chain, while I am being lifted. As the puppet master raises me above the ground I see that mother and Roark were also caught by the chains. Blyn growls as he jumps into the air and attacks the chains. A powerful force of water adults the chains, and woman.

My vision blurs and I feel myself fall to the ground. Large hands protect my head from the hard ground. I look up to see Blyn holding onto me. He helps me up from the ground, and I thank him. Somehow, Blyn, Roark, Callen and I are behind the protective barrier. My feet rush forward in an attempt to get past the barrier. My body bounces back, and Blyn catches me. I am unable to break the barrier that father created.

A loud scream pierces through the dark night. My eyes widen as Estrellia and I scream in unison. Mother is being suspend in air by the chains. Daggers have pierced her skin on her arms and legs. Bright red blood drips down her porcelain skin. Mother attempts to break through the chains, but it is in vain. Silver chains dance across her entire body. She groans as the chains tightened around her stomach. Mother turns her head, and smiles at us.

"You are all my beloved family bood related or not. My little moon and little star I love you both. My darling I love you with all of my being. We shall be reunited again," said mother through a mind-link.

More chains appear and wrap around mother. The chains pierce through openings on mother's skin. She screams in pain as her eyes begin to close. The woman curses as she attempts to pull the chains out. Mother's head falls down as her eyes close. She remains silent as the woman pulls the chains out. Her body falls to the ground with a lifeless thud.

No. No no! Mother can not be dead! Oh dear goddess my vision came true! This is a vision I never wished to occur. Estrellia, and I scream in agony at the loss of our body. Blyn pulls my body as I attempt to move closer. Father is pulling an equally struggling Estrellia. Blyn pulls me toward a glowing blue portal. Cain and Sirenna have appeared along with the portal. As Blyn pulls me into the portal I realize that she is gone. My sweet mother is dead, and I will not see her again.

The portal pulls us into a large tunnel. I hold onto Blyn as we move through the tunnel. Blue light with silver specks surround our bodies. Suddenly we are pushed forward. Blyn holds onto me, and safely lands us on the ground. I blink several times before looking at my surroundings. We are standing in the garden that leads to the castle. Father is holding onto Estrellia while father settles Azalea. Callen rushes over to his mate, and she runs into his arms. We are home now after that terrible ordeal. I hold onto Blyn for support as we walk to the castle. While I am glad to be home I need time to process the tragedy that occurred.

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