Chapter Thirty-three ♛

Start from the beginning

Next, the ruler of Orin enters the meeting room. Lahar, is an elderly man . He has gray hair, and a gray beard, he wears a white linen shirt, white trousers and brown boots. His guards stand beside him. His wife is ill and shall not attend the Summit.

Then, the guard near door announces the rulers of Blazen. Chief Ekon and his wife Aadya enter the room. They have lovely sun kisses skin. King Ekon has long black hair with silver eyes.

His gold jacket is open to expose his bare chest. Tribal markings and scars dance across his chest. Golden trousers seem to have been tailored to his large height.
Queen Aadya has long white hair and blue eyes. She wears a floor length golden gown. Her flat stomach is exposed. A slit in the bottom center exposes her legs as she walks.

Afterwards, the ruler of Aer entered the hall. Queen Titania enters the hall with King Lighten at her side. The Queen's personal female guards are beside them. Queen Titania's wavy silver hair seems longer than usual. Her eyes are ice blue and her skin is porcelain white. Her gown is white with silver accents. King Lighten has long silver hair with golden eyes. His skin is just as delicate as his wife's. His robes are white with silver accidents.

After Queen Titania enters King Balthazar of the Northlands. Despite the weather he wears a gray fur pelt. His jet black hair is long with long curls. His wife is with rather fragile, and weak to travel.

Carita's eyes travel across the meeting hall. She takes in the rulers of the realm. Aside from my father Carita does not know the other rulers. Aside from Roark and I, King Ekon and King Balthazar have an impressing height.

Lastly, the the Old Forest is called. Roark walks into the entrance hall with father beside him. Two of his trusted guards walk beside them.

Once they are seated the Summit meetings begins to take place. I notice that the King of the Lunar Isle is not present. Carita looks at her homelands seat with curious eyes.

Do you have any idea why the King of the Lunar Isle is here present?" I ask Carita in my mind.

"No I am not certain why he is not here," replies Carita.

"King Lumir of the Lunar Isle shall arrive later during the meeting," said King Lahar.

The Summit begins in typical fashion. Issues from the previous Summit are discussed. This allows the lands to inform others of improvements that have been made. It seems that all matters have been resolved.

King Lahar of Orin asks the Rulers of Aer if they wish to bring a matter to light. This would allow the rulers to openly communicate with one another. It is a rarity that we gather together at once.

The Summit provides us the opportunity to discuss disputes with other lands, and issues we have at home. Other leaders can provide input the ruler may not have thought of.

"Yes we would like to make it known that an ancient text of our people was stolen," said King Lighten.

"Yes it was stolen from our library. It is bond with a silver lock with a songbird, says Queen Titania.

The King looks around the large table. "If any of your people find the text we would approximate it being returned," he states.

"Are we able to know of the contents of this text?" asks father.

"The text hold value to our people, and is near and dear to my side," said King Lighten.

Queen Titania nods, "Yes the text was written by the first Queen of Aer. My father's side of the family can be traced to the first Queen".

"Very well, if the book holds such a sentimental value I shall inform you if I find it," said Roark.

"The Emerald Isle shall return the text if we find it," I inform her.

"We shall return the book as well if it is discovered," said Chief Ekon.

The remainder of the rulers agree to return the text to Aer if it is found. King Lahar hums and then continues the agenda. He asks Chief Ekon of Blazen if there are any matters that require attention.

"Yes as you are all aware a resistance tribe exists in Blazen. We have been at war with them for hundreds of years," states King  Ekon.

"Yes we are aware of the situation," said King Balthazar.

"Yes King Balthazar is correct. Is there an issue with the resistance tribe?" Inquiries King Lahar.

"We pray that it is not an issue. The resistance has quieted down the past several months. Attacks have not been as frequent," replies  King Ekon.

"Yes, we pray that a sense of peace continues until the next Summit," adds Queen Aadya.

"We pray that is the case as well. King Blyn would you like to share anything with the council?" King Lahar turns his attention towards me.

"Yes, as you may have noticed my beautiful mate Carita is by my side today," I said.

"Congratulations King Blyn. May your union be a joyous one," said King Ekon.

"May your union be a blessed one,"'wishes Queen Titania.

"We thank you for your kind wishes," answers Carita.

A smile grazes my face when she speaks. I am proud that she feels comfortable to speak towards the totality in this hall.

"Yes contradictions. However, is there a reason a grand mating ceremony did not occur," questions King Balthazar.

The rulers of the other lands should have been  informed of our union. Formal invitations should have been delivered in advance. Rulers who were able to attend should have been present at our ceremony. At the moment we do not know who is our friend and foe.

Over lunch after an afternoon at the healing spa we strategized. Father and Larken suggested we create a story to our mating. One that explain why our mating ceremony was held on such short notice.

"Blyn and I met by chance when I was visiting the court in the Old Forest with my father," said Carita .

"Yes I was visiting King Roark and King Thorin at the time. Our ceremony was rushed, since my wife wanted her father present," I continue.

Carita nods in agreement, "Yes my mother was not well at the time. She was not able to travel and my father had to rush home".

King Lahar smiles as he looks at Carita and I. "I see well we are all thrilled at the news of your mating. Is there any topics you would like to discuss while you have the floor?"

I sigh as I run my fingers through Carita's blonde hair. She hums softly as she melts into my side. "Yes after arriving to Orin our party visited the market. We were attacked by an unknown unsocial," I inform them.

"Oh dear, were you able to restrain the attacker?" questions Queen Titania.

"Unfortunately, the attacker managed to escape," replies Carita.

Until we know who is tied to the Order false truths are safer. The safety of my wife, family and friends is of upmost importance.

"After the attack our guards have increased security and patrol. We wished to inform you to be cautious," I said.

Carita smiles softly as she places a hand on my shoulder. "We are unclear why our party was attacked, or who may be attacked next".

"It appears that assassins appeared this year as well, " mutters King Lahar.

"Of course assassins appeared this year. They wish to seek money and fame by assassinating a ruler," says King Ekon.

"Yes or they could hold a royal for ransom. An incident occurred during my grandfathers time ," says King Balthazar.

The rulers begin to speak of possible scenarios or past events. I am glad to hear they will increase their parties security. This shall hopefully prevent the Order from attacking others.
King Lahar informs us that he will send a generous amount of his guards to our Inns.

I pray to the Gods that all shall be well. I do not believe that the men and women in this ball are part of the Order. However, until more information is discovered it is better to remain safe. The issue shall be made known once I know who is a friend and foe.

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