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One year later.


"Stop bellowing!" I glare at all three males who start snickering. Lorenzo and Xanos quickly find each other quite interesting and Angelo suddenly decides that the fruit bowl needs straightening.

I hiss at them who all still did a piss poor job of hiding their smiles. I go upstairs and brought the gifts down with D'Angel skipping behind me.

"Happy Father's day to you dad!" D'Angel threw himself at Angelo who blushes profusely.

"Thank you baby boy."

"I got you this one and Ma got you this one," D'Angel shoves two gifts from the pile at his father.

I smile shyly. It's been a... an enlightening year. Angelo and I decided to give us another go and so far so good.

We've been talking about moving back onto Pride lands and having more kids but before we have our own again I have one thing I want to do first. Oh and I quit my dancing gig six months ago.

"I got a gift for you guys too," D'Angel adds shoving a gift into both Lorenzo and Xanos' chest who both look confused.

"It's for Uncle's day tomorrow but you can open them now," the cub shrugs. I made that shit up, I don't know if Uncle's Day is a thing but eh?

"Thank you," both males replies wearily and starts peeling back the gift wrap.

Xanos is first to gasp, eyes filling with tears as he stares at the little shoes in his hands.

"What does this mean?" Lorenzo asks confused as hell with the baby vest in his hands that read 'Daddy's little Lion'.

"It means that I will carry your baby," all eyes snap to me.

"Sydney. Please tell me this is not a dream," Xanos sniffles in between laughs.

"It's not. I have done a lot of research on this and I'll email all of it to you guys," I smile.

"I need a minute," Xanos cries, lips trembling as he dashes out to the back of the house, Lorenzo hot on his heels.

"You're really going to do that for them?" Angelo asks, a proud note in his voice.

"Yea. They'll be great parents," I whisper while Angelo pulls me between his legs and rests his chin on my shoulder. We watch as D'Angel plays with his toys oblivious to our grown up talk.

"Then can I impregnate you again?" Angelo asks spoiling the mood entirely. We share a laugh until Lorenzo and Xanos comes back in.

We continue with our weekend ritual of having dinner and catching up with each other.

I couldn't help but notice the new shine in Xanos' eyes and the slump in Lorenzo's shoulders gone.

Looking around my table, hearing their laughs I guess this is what I've been searching for my whole life.

Looking around my table, hearing their laughs I guess this is what I've been searching for my whole life

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So this is the end. So sorry it took me so long to update. Diabetes is an asshole.

Thanks so much to every one of you who voted and read and commented. I really appreciate all your support.

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