Chapter 6

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"What?" Lorenzo growled.

"I fucked up man. I really fucked up," I whispered hoping he didn't hear the tears in my voice.

"I know," Lorenzo says dully.

"I think I broke him," Lorenzo sighed loud enough for me to hear.

"We both did. I always knew Sydney wasn't normal. Whole. I noticed things, how he'd tense up whenever I touched him a certain way. Sometimes he looked so lost," Lorenzo says and I listened.

"I too made him promises I didn't keep. What I didn't realize was that Sydney was already cracked and we... we were the ones to deliver the blow that shattered him," my breath hitched.

"I'm sorry Lorenzo. For fucking up your relationship," This is the first time I've ever told him sorry for what I did.

"He's so beautiful," I murmured absently stretching out on the lumpy hotel bed.

"I know. It's his smile. He smiles as if he's already seen the promised land".

"Not Sydney, though he is still as beautiful, maybe more but my son... he's perfect," I chuckled to myself remembering the fire in his eyes and the protectiveness he displayed when he told me off. He's a perfect legacy.

"You're lucky Angelo. Some people yearn for what you got by accident. A piece of you to carry on your name, your legacy. A physical thing from a physical bond between you and the one you love," I could hear the pain and sadness in Lorenzo's voice.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. In a way I stole everything he ever wanted, a mate, a child, a family of his own.

"I know. But in a way I'm glad. Sydney and I wouldn't have worked. We're too different. I saw a side of him I would have never seen had it not been for you. He was finally free. Finally himself," Lorenzo murmurs and I nod, even though he can't see. We were both silent for a few moments.

"Angelo, fight for them. If you want them then fight with everything in you for them," Lorenzo whispers fiercely and then the line went dead.


I was a nervous wreck the following Saturday right up to the moment I stepped in front of Sydney's door. Took a few breaths and braced myself after knocking.

"Come in!" Sydney yells and I pushed at the door into the house with a scowl in place.

"Hey! D'Angel's at a friend's so he should be back in about an hour or so," Sydney smiles at me while chopping up fresh basil leaves.

"Don't ever do a stupid thing like leaving your door unlocked," I growled and Sydney's smile fell completely.

"What are you talking about? Don't come in my home with all that attitude mister. You can march you feline ass right out of here," Sydney snarls and stopped his chopping.

"Look, all I'm saying is that inviting somebody inside, leaving you door unlocked when you don't even know who it could be is dangerous. You're putting my cub at risk," I ranted and ducked when Sydney threw the knife in his hand at my head impaling the wall.

"The fuck!".

"Shut up Angelo! I would never put MY CUB in danger. My doors are all electrical which I disengaged when I saw you on my monitor," Sydney points at the screen behind me.

"Oh..." I stood like the jackass I am then decided to take the knife out of the wall when Sydney got another and resumed chopping.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Its fine but how come you didn't hear the locks disengage," he asked curiously.

"Nervousness I guess," I shrugged.

Sydney looks at me for a few seconds then smiles.

"Don't just stand there, get the beef out of the fridge," Sydney orders and I never in my life shucked a jacket so quickly before.

Sydney and I cooked and listened to cheesy pop songs on the radio making fun of some and arguing about whether or not Ryan Seacrest is gay.

"Would you rather Jared Leto or James Franco?", I asked.

"Duh, I'd have a threesome," my eyes widened a bit as Sydney started laughing like a hyena after his reply.

"Who'd you rather Liam or Chris Hemsworth?" Sydney smirked and I groaned.

"Why? But I'd have to go with Thor. Could you imagine the strength of that human?" I asked in disbelief.

"Thor or Captain America?" I countered.

"The Captain," Sydney giggled when I glowered at him. Who'd pick anyone above Thor is beyond me.

"A pink Panther diamond or a Cartier diamond?" Sydney thinks for a second.

"No diamond. Maybe a simple band with the date of our first date, as cheesy as it sounds," Sydney says around a mouthful of potato chips.

"Cool," I just stared at him positive he'd have gone for the Cartier. Huh? Filed away in the vault for future reference.

A knocking on Sydney's door had both of us glancing at the monitor. There stood our cub with an annoyed expression with a smiling woman next to him.

"Hey Juliana! Thanks for dropping him of," Sydney says through the intercom.

"No problem. Bye," the woman smiles and watches until the door is opened by D'Angel and closed behind him.

"Hey baby!" Sydney greets the boy and he smiles at him then scowls at me.

"Hello," he stares at me, eyes narrowing before hissing at me.

Sydney glares at the both of us and we behaved, well, for the most part. That was until the cub started giving Sydney lip, the last straw was when he called Sydney stupid for inviting me into their home.

"Don't talk you him like that," I said firmly.

The boy had the courage to roar at me and under my vexation I roared back at him. It was on as we raged at each other, D'Angel giving me everything he's got while I try not to snicker at how adorable he sounds.

"Stop it!" Sydney stands slamming his palm on the table top shaking the crystal glasses, "both of you," he glares at us until we closed our mouths.

The kid hisses at me one final time before stomping upstairs. Sydney sighs and gives me a tentative smile.

"I should go," I mumbled.

"Yea. I'll talk to him," Sydney glances at the stairs and I get my jacket.


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Hey bunnies!! Here it is hope you enjoy this one and thanks to everyone who's been reading, voting, commenting and sharing my stories.

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