Chapter Thirteen

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"I don't see why you're acting like this Sydney. I marked you, you're mine," Angelo says as if it makes perfect sense.

"No, it does not. I need no man. Thank you for getting D'Angel back to me safely. I've already discussed visitation with you. Goodbye," I slam my front door in his face and maybe it would have been more effective had Angelo not have full access to my security system.

Lorenzo and Xanos are preparing to go back to the Pride. They stayed a week, everyday Angelo and Lorenzo went to that house where they found D'Angel and two other children.

I don't want to know what they do to those bastards but when they return, they returned primal, wild. Each time he comes to me to reconnect to his humane side I welcome him with open arms-and legs.

"What do you want me to do Sydney?" Angelo asks me in bewilderment, tugging slightly on my shoulder till we're looking at each other.

"Beg? I'll beg on my knees, hell I'll crawl on my belly if you'll give us a chance baby," Angelo pleads but I look away from him, my jaw tensing.

"We already had our chance Angelo. I don't want you like that anymore," I whisper glad that D'Angel is out with Xanos and Lorenzo and not here to hear us.

"That's a bullshit excuse Sydney. I marked you remember? If I want I can sift through your skull whether you want me to or not," Angelo threatens and I narrow my eyes at him. He wouldn't dare.

I can feel him now, pressing against my mental barriers while I glare at him.

"Fine Angelo. You want to know why? I'll tell you," I spit getting up in his face.

"I can't trust you. No matter what my heart and body feels for you my mind won't allow me to put myself back into that position with you again like I was six years ago," I speak lowly, slowly.

"I can't stay up all night wondering if I'm the only one, if all I am to you is a convenient body. I can't help the nightmares of you doing to me again what you did six years ago," my heart jolting at my mind's fear of him.

"Mark me Sydney. You'll know what I feel. What I think," Angelo counters, voice so emotionally charged that I think he's insane.

"No. I won't mark you," I rebuke his words.

"Then I'm taking D'Angel with me when I leave. You've had him the past five years, it's my turn now," Angelo rages stalking around me.

My own rage rises at his words. I grab him by his shoulder, my claws unsheathing and digging into his flesh. He's not taking my baby, not without a fight.

We're attacking each other, claws and fangs shredding clothes, drawing blood.

I go for Angelo's throat and in a slight turn of his body and a smirk he twists and my fangs enter that sacred spot on his neck. He holds me there, letting his essence fill me. Blood sliding down my throat, flesh against my fangs. Try as I might Angelo never lets me go. He's forcing me to mark him instead of ripping out his windpipe like I intended. His hands, one holding my own behind my back and the other securing my head against that sweet spot, his legs trapping mine and all I could do is go limp.

Angelo opens himself to me, his mind, his heart everything that makes him who he is. All I can do is pant so as not to drown in his emotions, his thoughts and memories. His wishes, desires, dreams-all of me and I could do naught else but let him run rampant through my mind.

Tears escaping the corners of my eyes all my guards dropping and Angelo now sees the things that has happened to me. His outrage at the truth behind my childhood. The polished story I gave him couldn't compare to the reality he sees through my eyes.

"Baby. I'm so sorry," he whispers, fingers stroking my hair, my cheek. Little kisses trails along my flesh while I remain lost in all that is Angelo.

For the first time in a long while my beast rises within me, looking closely at the man Angelo has developed into. Whispering that I should give him a chance. My fur has never guided me wrong and so I will trust in him.

"One chance Angelo. One and no more," I say staring at the ceiling in my living room.

"One is enough Sydney," he replies. I could feel his eyes on me so I turn my head, our eyes connecting and remained there for hours maybe, until Lorenzo and Xanos returns with a sleeping D'Angel and finds us there.

 I could feel his eyes on me so I turn my head, our eyes connecting and remained there for hours maybe, until Lorenzo and Xanos returns with a sleeping D'Angel and finds us there

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Hey sweeties. Sorry for the late update up my computer was giving a bit of trouble.

I won't be updating Pride cause I'm actually lengthening it a bit so maybe next week.

Hope you guys enjoyed this book. Next update is the epilogue.

Thanks to all that vote, comment and adding my stories to your lists.

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