Chap. 18- Islands

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"Hey man, you really ain't looking that hot over there..." Jason yawned, blinking sleepily as Jerome set a cup of coffee down in front of him.

"Huh? Well, yeah, I just woke up."

"Sky just woke up too and he doesn't look like he hasn't slept in a decade." Jerome shook his head, Jason tilting his head. "Dude, look in a mirror. Your eyes are hella baggy and bloodshot."

"What?" Going to the bathroom, Jason glanced at himself in the mirror. "Shit... I really do look tired."

"You'd think? You having insomnia or something?" Jason ran his hand through his hair, hearing Jerome tinkering around in the kitchen with Sky.

He really needed to start writing down the dreams when they were fresh in his mind. Or at the very least, write down what he remembered most clearly. Nearly every night he had some kind of nightmare that ended up with him gasping awake with cold sweat beading on his forehead.

Then there was the news about the portals and the still storm in the distance. Jason still found himself to be the only person to see it due to his amulet, and every time he checks he feels like the clouds have gotten bigger and more red. The news was always reporting about the different nether portals popping up here and there, as well as strange events taking place throughout Spawn City. Purple particles, sudden heat waves, and more.

And the incident with the scouting team. Jason still hasn't forgotten the beaten up jets, the purple fire charge, and the footage. He still didn't know if he should talk about all this with Seto; the commander was dealing with the media and came back always drained of energy. Seto never was one to converse with the giant paparazzi; he was no doubt smart and witty, but Jason knew he preferred to keep things small and calm. He spent a lot of afternoons training with Seto so they could both relax and keep their minds off things.

He washed his face, Jason taking a deep breath. Maybe he was just overthinking it. Recurring dreams were a thing, and maybe the still storm in the distance was just a regular storm moving slowly. Yeah, yeah... It was just that.

His stomach still didn't sit well.

"Hey, Jay. You should really take a break, maybe sleep a bit more?" Sky held out a mug, Jason raising his eyebrow at the cloudy color of the drink. "It helps headaches. You've been holding your head more than often lately."

"Oh, thank you." Jason sat down and began to drink, taking his phone out. He considered looking at the news, but shook his head. He shouldn't stress himself out more. Maybe he should take a break day...

"WOULD JASON UNIVERSE PLEASE REPORT TO THE COMMANDER'S OFFICE NOW. JASON UNIVERSE TO THE COMMANDER'S OFFICE." Finishing off the drink and saying a quick thanks to Sky, Jason quickly got dressed and left; he looked out the window, his hand running over the ridges of the moon rock. It was just a storm that was moving very slowly. That's all that is. Taking a deep breath, he went to Seto's office. Seto was flipping through a file multiple times, running his hand through his hair and sighing. As Jason closed the door, Seto looked up and smiled, gesturing for him to sit down.

"We have a mission." He said, sliding a file over. "There have been reports of the floating islands... disappearing. I would send the scouts, but you know the islands well and a jet is too clunky in certain areas." Opening it up, Jason saw the coordinates and images. "Portals have been sighted more frequently there. Find out what's going on."

"I'm going to be using my jet pack?"

"Ideally, yes. The area is too cluttered for a jet to go through. You're heading out with Sky; he'll get you close to the location, then you'll investigate. Don't go too deep in though..." Jason smiled, taking the file. He kissed Seto's nose then cheeks, giving him another kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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