Chapter 7- Mission

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Jason sighed as Jerome stabbed his steak with his fork again, flicking the Bacca lightly on his nose.

"Earth to Jerome? Hello?" The Bacca growled, stabbing his steak again as Sky dragged Jason away for his own safety. Jason blinked, sitting down with Sky. "What's the deal with Jerome?"

"He's kinda... frustrated at the moment." Sky muttered, Jason following his gaze. Jerome's fur was more matted and tangled, his suit more wrinkled than before. His eyes seemed to be blood red, the fork stabbing into the already heavily stabbed steak. It seemed to set a record on how hard the meat was tenderized. "It's the week Mitch and him are supposed to go have a Survival Games spree."

"His boyfriend, right?"

"Yeah." Jason flinched as he heard the fork scrape against the table, Jerome ripping through the steak easily. "He's kinda pissed that he's missing it and he hasn't been with Mitch for quite a long time. Sky spread the butter along his toast, popping it into his mouth.

"Can't we let him go for a week? The base mentors are out this week anyways."

"Sorry, tried." Jason sighed, looking over at Jerome. The Bacca tore a chunk of meat off, snarling at anybody that got too close. Perhaps he can convince Seto...
"Jerome?" Quietly knocking on the door, Jason gulped as he heard claw marks screeching along the walls. "I have some really good news...!"

"What...?" Opening the door slightly, Jason waved nervously. Jerome's piercing eye stared at him, similar to a dagger.

"I talked with Seto, and he's letting you see Mitch for the rest of the week! As long as you report back here when you're done and at least train a little so you don't get rusty." Jason informed, nervously tugging on his sleeve. The Bacca seemed to stare at him forever before the door slowly clicked closed. Three long seconds the door was nearly busted down, Jerome flying out of the base with a backpack and diamond axe.

"Dude, I owe you one! Thanks!" Jerome shouted as he sprinted towards Exit 2. He threw over to Jason three tickets, grinning. "If you, Sky, and somebody else wants to come see Mitch and I completely wreck the games; there's your ticket. Best seating. Use anytime."

"Remember, come back here and still train!"

"I know!" Flying down Exit 2, Jason smiled as Jerome's cry of joy faded. He took the three tickets, deciding to leave them with Sky in case the guy wanted to go see Jerome soon.
Jason Universe, report to the commander's room immediately. Waking up by hitting his head against the bedpost, Jason groaned and sprinted down the halls. It was around 2 in the morning, and he knew that the moon was still in the sky taking its sweet time.

"You requested to see me...?" Jason muttered sleepily, rubbing his eyes as he entered the office. Standing more straight, he tried to ignore the urge to snooze right on the floor. Seto bit his pen, nervously tapping away on the board.

"We have a search and rescue mission for you. You're a rookie so far that has displayed great improvement and is on his way to becoming the next rank." Jason blinked the sleep right out of him, Seto looking at him nervously. "I would go on this mission, but..."

"You stay here at the base, I can handle this." Jason smiled, hand resting on his amulet. "Give me the mission briefing." Seto handed him a sheet, briskly walking towards the garage.

"The snowcapped mountains, currently having hail. Similar to the first simulator you had. But worse, and you have nothing to save you besides your own wit and instinct." Jason got to screwing the wings tighter, quickly applying some heated strips along the tops and bottoms. "They are stranded along the northeast, here are the coordinates." Throwing a supply bag on, he hopped into the plane and typed down the coordinates. "Jason..."

"Yeah?" The garage door slowly rose, Jason seeing the storming clouds forming over the mountains.

"Please... come back." Seto clutched the papers, sighing. "I can go on the mission, I can't risk you-"

"And who would be commander if you go?" Jason readied the engines, smiling. "I'll be back before you finish that paperwork sitting on your desk." Sharing a small laugh, Seto watched Jason's plane speed right out, flying towards the storm clouds. He pressed the papers close, trying to ease his breathing.

He hoped he didn't send Jason on a suicide mission.
"S-Shit!" Jason gritted his teeth as ice rained down and mercilessly attacked his plane, the glass taking quite the beating. Flying higher to take advantage of the tailwinds, he swerved a hard right as a bolt of lightning struck. The storm was getting worse at every minute. But he can't fail Seto now.

Dipping lower as he neared the coordinates, he blinked as he heard the first sounds of springs and bolts clicking. He couldn't fail now... Hovering over the small camp, he let down a ladder.

"GET ON!" Jason screamed, voice barely enough to pierce the howling winds. The stranded pilots quickly climbed up, some worse than others. Tossing over the supply bag as he shut the door, Jason bit his tongue as he heard more bolts snapping at the right wing. The ice was hitting it without mercy. The solution he thought of was suicide.

He clutched the amulet, flying higher. Setting the plane to autopilot, he opened up the cockpit. Ignored the shocked and terrified yells from the pilots, he held the toolbox in his mouth, climbing to the wing. The ice slammed against his back, desperate to make him fail his mission. Jason knew the size of the ice was going to leave bruises.

He tightened the right wing, scraping the ice off. Nearly falling off multiple times due to the ruthless winds, Jason continued till the wing was durable enough to handle the ice. He shivered, making his way back to the cockpit. The sleepiness was catching up to him, and it didn't help that the icy weather made him drowsier. Just a few minutes of sleeping wouldn't hurt...

Jason slapped himself awake, turning autopilot off as he maneuvered through the mountains, ignoring his shivering, sleepiness, and the pains all over his body. As he left the mountains, he flew up to the base, eyes drooping. He sniffed, plane getting shakier. Spotting the landing point, he let out the wheels, forcing himself to hold out for one more minute. Landing on the base, he hopped out of the cockpit, falling to the ground. Jason's eyes slowly closed, his breathing deeper. The cold temperature wanted him to go to sleep... Sleep... The sight of Seto running over the last sight he saw.

"I... I did it..." Words got fuzzier in his mind, Jason only hearing the sound of the door opening and the pilots cheering that they were saved. He did it...

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