Chapter 14- Reach For The Stars

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I went back to listening Sonic music, and really loved listening to Reach For The Stars by Cash Cash from Sonic Colors. So in here, they sing it and finally kiss. It's a really nice song, if the gameplay ain't good Sega gives hella good soundtracks and music. 

Jason paced back and forth in his room, his pen getting thoroughly chewed on as he quickened his pace, Sky watching with a sigh.

"Seriously, what's the matter?" Another two minutes of frustrated breaths and chewing, Jason yelping as the pen exploded in his mouth. "Jason, you're never this out of control. The fuck's going on?" Jason tossed the pen away, quickly going to the bathroom to wash his mouth out. He groaned, sighing and sitting down next to Sky.

"I want to create something that would save another pilot that was in Seto and I's position..."

"Falling without a parachute and you catching him by leaping out of the plane?" Sky said, leaning back into his bed. "Jerome said that you nearly gave him a heart attack." 

"Yeah..." Jason sat back, raising his necklace. He turned the rock over and over in his fingers, Sky picking up his book on strategy and placement. They sat in silence for a while, Jason trying to come up with an idea as Sky read.

"Why not something that allows the user to maneuver in the sky?" Sky piped up, looking over the top of his book. "Like a suit, or a piece of equipment. Let's you move around in the sky with mobility." Jason turned the idea in his head, getting up and moving to his desk.

"... A jet pack?"

"Yeah, that!" Jason leaned back in his chair, taking out another pen; he looked up at his drawings, from engines to planes to how propulsion flight would go. A jet pack...

Popping open his pen, he got down to sketching out his idea. Further the night went, the more books filled Jason's desk, Jason opening and closing and matching diagrams and references. His pen scribbled away at notes, pencil sketching out ideas and a prototype. A jet pack form slowly began to take shape, Jason turning it around in his head once, then twice, then three times.

Time to ask his friends at the mechanic section for some help.
"Ready for test launch?!" Jason put the straps of his jet pack on, giving a thumbs-up. The area was thoroughly padded, and the mechanics gave him a heat-resistant suit that they used when deploying near volcanoes or geysers. He had a helmet on for safety, one of the training helmets from the simulation room for pilots. 

"All clear, Jason!" Jason turned on the jet pack, feet instantly flying off the ground as he blasted upwards, hardly having time to change direction before he was flipped upside down. He tried to stabilize the flight, moving the controls on his arm to lessen the pressure; the result was him hovering, the heat from the jet pack only feeling slightly warm against his legs. "Alright, hovering capabilities, set!" He gradually turned the jet pack off, landing a bit roughly on the soft ground. 

"Dude, that was great! Maybe lessen the take-off pressure so you don't go spiraling out of control?" Jason set the jet pack down and opened it up, tinkering around with the pressure modules; the other mechanics offered a few tips, switching out parts with newer, sleeker ones. Thankfully it was a more downtime day, so between changing the fuel out for a few planes and fixing up engines, they ran more and more test launches. Slowly Jason perfected his jet pack design, a final test launch after a week. 

"Ready?" Jason tapped the buttons along his custom-suit, colored a light blue with dark blue streaks. His helmet was blue as well, the visor tinted an orange color. The others nodded and stood to the side, Jason turning the jet pack on; he leaped off the ground in a controlled fashion, hovering. Moving his body, the sensors indicated which direction he wanted to go in, Jason whooping with joy as he flew through the air; he flew right through the obstacle course they set up, ducking straight through rings and tunnels. "SUCCESS!"

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