Chapter 17- Storm Clouds

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"What do you see?" Jason flew the plane low, the engine rumbling quietly as he flew closer to the storm. He adjusted the headset, looking up towards the clouds. "I'm scared, Jason. You sure you're okay out there?"

"Chill, Sky. Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as possible." He looked up at the dark grey cumulus clouds rolling in the distance, thunder rumbling through the air. It looked like quite the torrent was coming, judging by how the waves were becoming more aggressive. Jason turned around and flew back to base. His eyes strayed towards the second storm forming in the distance, noting down that it hasn't moved. As he stepped down onto the hangar and got out, he felt the temperature of the air was significantly colder. Storm preparation time.

Sky scurried out of the control room as Jason passed, the two nodding and moving to prepare the base for the upcoming storm. The floating island the Air Force base sat on, while was large, was still floating; the storm looked to be large, and they didn't want the island to start flying through the sky. Sky ran off to lock and secure the Exits, Jerome shutting the roof access. Jason watched as the last of the scouts and pilots landed in the hangar, directing the jets to their respective places before he shut the hangar door. The giant panels closed upon each other, locking in place with one echoing click. He felt the island shift slightly as mechanics set the island-lock in place, weights and floaters in a careful, delicate balance to keep the island as still as possible as the storm passed by. A warning sounded through the base, informing everybody that a big storm was coming and it was best if they are to stay in their rooms if the power goes out. Jason watched as people made their way to their dorms, some sticking over to friends and hunkering down for a sleepover. He turned down the corridor to Seto's room, knocking and opening the door when he heard nothing.

"Seto?" Jason raised his eye as he saw the door to the outside was open, walking over and going up the stairs. Seto stood at the edge of the watchpoint, leaning against the railing as the storm grew closer; a rumble of thunder ran through the air, flashes of lightning inside the storm clouds. "Seto, let's go inside."

"In a bit." The wind was strong, Seto's hair and clothes swaying in the wind; his eyes were set on the incoming storm, breaths in tune with the wind. Jason looked behind, to the strange, unmoving storm. Should he mention it...? "What are you looking at?" Seto asked, head turning slightly. Jason looked at the strange storm again, Seto turning around and following his gaze. "Staring a bit off into space?" He smiled, taking Jason's hand and kissing his cheek. Jason blinked, looking between Seto and the strange storm.

Seto didn't see it?

"I wanted to stay a bit longer outside, I love feeling of the air pre-storm. Wind's really picking up though." Raindrops begin to hit the ground, Jason and Seto quickly making their way back inside before the torrent started, raindrops coming down full force as the storm hit. The raindrops echoed around the room, Jason just noticing how big the windows were in Seto's room. Seto turned on a music box, the calming melody playing in harmony with the storm. "I love storms, gives a chance to relax."

"They really are relaxing." Seto pressed a few buttons along the walls in his room, a creaking sound followed by the room slightly shaking. With a groan, the roof began to open up, rain hitting the glass on top with splashes. Jason watched with wonder as the storm clouds rolled right above, the rain hitting and splashing right in front of them. As another rumble of thunder passed by, Seto dimmed the lights and sat down on the bed. The music box continued to play, making the atmosphere seem like a liminal space, or something from a dream. Jason watched the rain hit the glass, the clouds rushing past. He jumped as he saw the first strike of lightning, Seto smiling and looking up at the roof.

"Lightning rod, got em." Settling down next to Seto, Jason wrapped his arms around and pressed his face into Seto's shoulder; Seto turned his head and kissed Jason's cheek lightly, holding up the blanket. "Want to do a little movie-night as this storm passes by?"
"Got more popcorn?"

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