Chapter 15- Curiosity

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"We're scouting the Nether for any unapproved portals." Jason slowed down as he passed by the hangar, leaning closer to the entrance; Seto was standing there with the nether scout section, all the pilots in single file. They all wore dark red suits, made to withstand the brutal heat of the nether while maintaining a stable temperature for the body. "You are to not engage at any cost; do not anger or poke at the mobs."


"I want you back by midnight. Report back as soon as possible if you find something. Stick together, come home together." Seto saw off as each of the scouts flew out, turning towards the door. Jason waved, setting down the box of tools. "What are you doing?"

"Just delivering some things on break time." Kissing Seto's cheek, Jason smiled. "How have you been doing?"

"Well, less stress, most definitely." Picking up the box again, Seto walked alongside Jason, fidgeting with his sleeves. Jason hummed quietly, looking over.

"I've been meaning to ask... Is that an amulet?" Seto blinked, looking down at the amulet around his neck. Raising it up, he opened it up, showing the little book with the pages contained inside. "Woah, that's some tiny handwriting!" Jason squinted his eyes as he tried to read the contents, returning to looking ahead of him. "What does the things say?"

"The secrets of the Air Force." Seto closed the amulet, turning to go to the simulation room as Jason continued to the workshop. "You available for a little bit of battle training this afternoon?"

"Swerve!" Jason yanked the plane to the left as large pieces of debris rained down on him, barely managing to avoid a piece of rebar. Flying around and maneuvering the onslaught, he cursed as a piece of concrete hit the wing, stabilizing fast. "Next test!" A set of dummies followed as Jason exited the falling debris, Jason pressing on the button on the handles to begin shooting. "Steady hand, Jason!"

"Tryin'!" Flying lower to the ground, Jason shot a line of dummies, trying to keep the crosshairs aimed at the head. He directed the plane back upwards as the test run ended, slowing it down to a stop. Seto came down from the control panel, opening up the simulation on his holopad. "How did I do?"

"Your aim is still off." Enlarging the video, Jason scratched the back of his neck as he saw that he did miss a few targets, while grazing a few others. From what he could see when passing by Jerome's practices, Jerome could shoot nearly all the heads off the dummies even when flying at top speeds. "I'd think your steady hands would help."

"It's a bit different, firing rounds on a handle than welding and screwing mechanical parts..." Saving the file, Seto shrugged and kissed Jason on the cheek. "At least you won't be called into battle for a while... we barely have enough jets for the fighters already."

"When do the technicians fight anyway?"

"They're more for attack on the base, such as an invasion." Seto closed the holopad, looking at the time. "It's almost dinner, we've been training for a while..." As if on cue, Jason's stomach rumbled; he laughed, nodding. "See you tonight?"

"Sector 9, don't forget!"
"How did the training go?" Jason sat down with Jerome and Sky, raising an eyebrow at Jerome's large steak that still dripped a bit with blood. Sky was busy buttering up his bread and sprinkling salt onto his fries, Jerome biting right into the large steak without cutting it up. 

"It didn't go that well, I can't aim..." Jason said sheepishly, eating his vegetables. 

"Took a while for me to get a crosshair I can use." They both looked at Sky, who was typing away on a device. He sent a message before locking it back and going back to eating. "What was that?"

Aerial Love- SetoMUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora