Chap. 4- Good and Bad News

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"Thirty! Thirty-one! Thirty-two! Thirty-three! Thirty-four! Thirty-five!" Jerome did another chin-up, Jason and Sky counting. "Come on! Let's get to forty!"

"Thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight..."

"Gonna break the record!"

"Thirty-nine..." Jerome growled, pulling up. "Forty!" Releasing the bar, Sky threw a towel over. "Nice job, bud!" Jason handed over a water bottle, Jerome chugging it down.

"How much longer do we have?"

"5 minutes. I have to go practice flying with Commander Seto." Picking up his bag, Jason waved goodbye as he ran out the gym. Following the maps across base, he found Seto waiting in the garage.


"More than ever." Suiting up, Jason sat into his seat. "What's it this time?"

"A simulation." Seto typed a few keys into his tablet, the world outside changing completely. Jason widened his eyes in awe. A snowstorm. "One of our recruits got stuck in a snowstorm, and needs saving. Go when you're ready." Jason got out, making a few minor adjustments to his plane quickly. Putting on his helmet, he flew off into the snowy biome. The ice mixed in with the snow immediately began to hit his wings, Jason shaking it off and continuing to scan the ground. Flying low, he saw a blinking light for a moment.

"There." Flying to that area, the snowstorm became increasingly harder, Jason biting his lip and hovering over the area. Setting it in autopilot, he got out of the plane, picking up the dummy and putting it inside along with any useful supplies.

Flying back was even harder.

The snowstorm was pelting down on him, hail mixed with rain. Thunder and lightning cracked in the distance. Jason took the high route, using the tailwinds to gain a speed boost. Till a large piece of ice hit the wing, causing a dip towards a mountain.

"Ain't happening today, no sir!" Yanking it back up and steading, he releases the wheels, waiting for the brief calm moment to land. The simulation disappeared as Seto closed his tablet.

"Very impressive! Few would actually get the supplies as well." Smiling, Seto clapped him on the back. "Maybe you'll be the next person on the Wall of Fame, those flying skills are exemplary!"

"Thank you, Commander!" Seto and Jason laughed, till the speaker cracked.

"Commander Seto Xavi, will you please come to the auditorium please. Commander Seto Xavi."

"See you again at 6AM." Walking off, Jason smiled, fixing up the plane for the next person.
Seto walked into the auditorium, feeling happy about Jason's flying skills. The rookie showed skill in both technician and flying skills.

"What is it?" Standing in the aisle, Seto looked up at his father's right hand man. "Where's my father?"

"He went out on a mission, and hasn't come back yet... We sent our best searchers, and found this." Handing over a slip of paper, Seto's heart dropped, tablet falling to the ground.

Seto, if you read this, then I never survived the way back. I put you in charge as commander now. You're young, but I believe you can lead us to victory.
Love, Ryan Xavi

"We're sorry, Commander Seto. We found the needed items for the ceremony, but never found his body."

"... Hold the ceremony at seven."

"Understood." Seto heard the shoes click away, staring down at the note. He knew tears were going down his cheeks.

He wasn't ready to be Commander.
"What's all this about?" Sky elbowed Jerome, hissing.

"The commander died, keep quiet."

"Commander Ryan Xavi was a brave man. He fought in many battles, saved many recruits, saved many soldiers, and more. He was the record holding champion of lives saved. Without him, many of our fellow peers, friends, and people from other army parts would've died." Seto sat in the front row, holding the badge. He wiped his eyes furiously. "The commander's son, Seto Xavi, shall take his place." Standing up, Seto put the badge on, the audience chanting his name as the title was passed on.

"My father was a great man, and he will continue to be one. I may be the youngest commander ever, but I will lead Air Forces to victory in battle, do the same as my father, and like he always us?"

"WE CAN WIN EVEN IF THE ODDS ARE TIPPED TO THE ENEMY'S FAVOR!" Seto smiled, feeling the tears come again. Stepping off the stage, everybody said their respects, Jason waiting last.

"Hey... Really sorry that he died. I didn't get to know him, but from what I heard, he must've made history." Seto chuckled.

"He did."

"Does this mean you won't have time to be my mentor?"

"It's a peace time for everybody. We can train together." Seto watched as Jason left, staring back at the coffin his father never laid in. Waiting till everybody left, he kneeled down. "I'm not ready yet, father... Why did you have to go?"

Jason walked down the halls, humming a little tune. Opening his bedroom window, he took a deep breath. He adjusted to a life on high altitudes. The air was a lot fresher anyway. Staring down, it was one of the rare days you can see Spawn City underneath. He smiled, watching lights blink on and off, cars going up and down the high way.

A flash of purple caught his attention, gone in a second.

Jason shook his head. Must've been a trick of the light.
"Is the city right for taking?"

"It's bustling with people, and perfect for the taking. The size is huge."

"How are the people?"

"Ordinary civilians. Our army can drive them out or make them slaves."

"Excellent... How's our pet doing?"

"He's getting hungrier for meat every day."

Aerial Love- SetoMUWhere stories live. Discover now