Chapter 16- Night Date

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Jason passed by Seto's office, looking down at the little cake box in his hand. He ran his finger over the top, tracing the shop's logo. Letting out a small sigh, he knocked on Seto's office.

No answer.

He knocked again, and again. Opening the door, Jason sighed again and set the cake box down on Seto's table. He looked at the stacks of books and papers sprawled around, picking up the ones scattered on the floor and setting them back into a pile on the table.

"You fell asleep at your desk again..." Seto's hand was on his holopad, tabs of news articles and emails on the screen. He was completely knocked out, head rested on his arm as a cold cup of tea sat next to him. The amulet was open, Jason carefully closing the tiny book inside and locking it; he noticed the creeper-face imprint on the amulet. "You have to stop overworking yourself, Seto." Jason carefully moved Seto's body, lifting him into his arms. He shut the holopad off, setting it on top of a few papers; closing the lights and carrying Seto out, he went to Seto's dorm and pushed the door open.

The room was tidy and organized, a music box playing on the table. A map of the stars hung above the indigo bed, plane models and books along the shelves. Jason felt a little homesick; the plane models and star map reminded him a little bit of his room at home. The table was a bit more messy, a few reminders and papers strewn about. There was a sticky note saying to watch the training group in Sector 4 tomorrow, another telling him to take a water break every few hours. Jason set Seto down on the bed, taking his shoes off. There were coffee cups in the trash, Jason looking over for a second time to confirm. Seto never drank coffee, he drank tea with sugar or sweet milk teas.

The incidents have been overworking Seto. Their training sessions were much more stressed, quick-fire simulations before Seto ran off on another request or news, Jason sitting in the plane with the simulation ending midway. He sighed, pulling up his holoscreen; pulling up a map of the city, he began to look around.
Seto watched the fighters do an ambush formation, giving small tips on the side. He took a sip of coffee, rubbing his eyes tiredly and watching on.

"Jason, I'm busy." Jason crossed his arms, refusing to move from the bedroom doorway. Seto tried to squeeze past him, but Jason moved to block him.

"You fell asleep at your desk, you started drinking coffee, and you're more tense than a bow string!"

"I need to work!"

"We're going on a date tonight, Exit 3, 6:30, don't be late." Jason turned around and ran off, pulling out his holopad to look at his list of duties for today.

"Jason, wai-" Seto tried to reach out to grab Jason's sleeve, but Jason was already halfway down the hallway. He sighed, hand falling next to him.

Walking back to his room to change and wash up, Seto looked at the time. 6:00PM. Half an hour to get ready. He took out his outfit, smoothing out an indigo jacket with silver buttons. An upside of not leaving base often meant that his clothes didn't have that many wrinkles that needed to be ironed out to look presentable. Closing the closet, he opened up the bathroom door to take a quick shower and wash up.
Jason tapped his foot at the exit, looking down at his phone. 6:28PM. He smoothed out his blue jacket, leaning against the wall and checking his phone again. 6:29PM. He bit his lip, looking down at the hallway. Was Seto not coming? He was hardly the late comer, Seto always came on time to any meeting, or even early. Jason was slightly surprised himself when he found Exit 3 empty when he came over.

6:30PM. Jason's little reminder ringed off, Jason sighing and turning it off. He was just about to head back to the garage when he saw purple heading down the hallway, a sigh of relief. Then his jaw dropped straight to the ground.

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