November 2010

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Name: Sydney

Where: Oklahoma City

Date: November 3rd 2010

Selected by: Allison



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Name: Brooke

Where: San Antonio

Date: November 5th 2010

Age: She was 13 years old

Selected by: Scooter

Location: Section 10, Row 1, Seat 6

Her Twitter: _brookewood8

Her Instagram: brookewood8

Her Story:

Brooke was 13 years old when she went to the My World Tour San Antonio, Texas concert in 2010. She was seated in Section 10, Row 1 Seat 6. Before the concert, her mom kept saying she had a feeling that Brooke would be chosen to be the One Less Lonely Girl. During the concert, Scooter chose her to be the OLLG! She was in complete shock and just cried. Even though her mom had that feeling, she had never imagined that it would actually happen to her. On her way backstage, she just looked around and couldn't believe that it was truly happening to her.

Backstage, she was shaking. While she waited to go on stage, the dancers kept her calm by making her laugh and she was extremely excited! Being there with Justin (on stage), in that moment, he was perfect. He was so close to her and his voice sounded perfect. She couldn't believe it and cried the whole time. She wanted to stay there with him for the entire night, just being face to face with him. When she got back to her seat, she was surrounded by mothers asking for pictures with their daughters and girls trying to take her roses. Looking back on her experience as Justin's One Less Lonely Girl, she is still shocked. She still thinks sometimes that it isn't real; it was an amazing experience. Three years later, she still has her roses and the scarf she got with them. When she went to the Believe Tour and the OLLG was on stage, she screamed "that was me!" She cried for the girl up there (Catalina) because she got to experience what Brooke did and it was an amazing feeling. One downfall is the people who commented on her video on YouTube, saying that she had cancer and that was why she was chosen. However, those comments are untrue and purely made out of jealous. Brooke never had cancer, she was chosen totally by chance.

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