Science Fair Mishap

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~Mark and Nate~

I knocked rapidly on Mark's door without stopping, knowing it would annoy the crap out of him. After about thirty seconds of knocking, and hurting my poor knuckles, he swung the door open "OH MY GOD NATE WHAT"

I snickered "there's a science fair around the block and I hear it's suuuper dorky and science-y and shit and you're the dorkiest man alive so I thought I would invite you!" I noticed he was still in his boxers and tshirt, aka night clothes.

He gave me a look and gestured to his attire "maybe I need to change.."

I acted dumb "whaaaaat do you? I mean you look so comfy in that totally appropriate attire I didn't noti-"

"Oh my god Nate just wait here" he slammed the door and I laughed. He's salty today isn't he..

After a couple of minutes he came out in his signature lucky red flannel and dark blue denim jeans, and black converse. No ankles.

I was wearing a lime green shirt with a black zip up jacket and jeans. Also dark blue converse. Once again no ankles bc those are best converse.

I grabbed his hand "come ON" I raced to the car and practically threw the poor guy into the drivers seat of his truck earning me a whine from mister dorky "why do I have to drivvvvve" I rolled my eyes "it's just on Hamilton street"
"UGH FINE" he said exasperated and drove off, not bothering buckling up. It was a safe and pretty dead neighborhood anyway.

I smirked in triumph and he soon pulled up to the outdoor science fair at Phillip Park. I jumped out of the car and gazed around in wonder, noting that Mark did the same.

I grabbed him by the arm and ran over to a teleportation machine. He squeaked like a fangirl and started talking to the person who ran the stand while I chuckled and went over to what looked like a ray gun. I looked curiously at it and saw it had two buttons. One green and one blue. The blue one had a light on it but the green one didn't. I wondered why.

"Mister Ray gun guy!"

A teenager turned and looked at me. He had blonde hair, dark green eyes and a face structure similar to Pewds. "Call me Peter" I grinned "hey Peter, what is this thing"

He smirked "well you got it mostly right, it's a SHRINK ray gun. I've only tested it on non organic material, I have yet to find a volunteer to try it. But I think I'll try a cow or something first.

I tilted my head "why a cow?"

"Well," Peter started "because if I shrank a, let's say a rat I wouldn't be able to see it very well now would I?"

I nodded "that makes sense"

He smiled "someone your size would be abouuut four inches I believe. Maybe the slightest bit more."

My eyes lit up "could I try!" They dulled when he shook his head "it's too unstable, you may not ever be normal again, there is a reverse button but-"

I didn't hear the rest of what he said, I hurried and pressed the blue button with it aiming at me. I assumed it was the shrink button.

After a terrible burning sensation all throughout my body and looking around to see everything was huge, I knew I had chosen correctly.

But it wasn't super awesome like I'd imagined it would be. It was terrifying and I knew I could easily be crushed without anyone noticing. Peter reached for me and I screamed and ran away among the giant shoes that could crush me. I looked for a pair of black converse with a mustache drawn on the tips of each with a pink sharpie.
I called out "MAAAARK! MAAAAAARK" I mean, at least my voice was normal.

I was too stupid to realize people had stopped and were staring at my tiny trembling form.

I heard a deep voice from behind, and above, me speak in an amazed and shocked voice "Nate??"

I whirled around, craning my neck to see a very worried looking Mark. He knelt down and I backed up. People had formed a circle around us and were whispering among themselves

"What the hell?"
"Oh my god he's so cute!"
"I so ship it"
"That's like four inches tall!"

I started hyperventilating and my breathing hitched. Not to mention my heartbeat that should've been arrested for speeding by now. Mark seemed to tell this and he growled at the crowd before slowly reaching for me "hey Nate it's okay buddy"

I yelped and quickly backed away as fast as I could, only to trip and fall back on my ass. I watched in shock and horror as his enormous, well to me, hand came closer and closer until it gently scooped me up from behind. I whimpered and shrank back against the soft surface that I lay on. (Puns for days) I heard Mark's comforting voice "shhh calm down we'll fix this"

My stomach lurched as I was lifted into the air and held gently to what I believe to be Mark's chest.

I whimpered and held onto his red flannel, pressing my small form against it for comfort. I heard Peter's voice "is that him...?"

Mark's hands opened and light flooded my vision. I just pressed my face against the flannel and held on for dear life. He chuckled and pried me off with gentle hands "yup, can you help him"

I heard Peter's voice "no, I tried to tell him the grow button was out of order but he didn't listen" a tear slipped down my cheek and I spoke up in a timid voice "S-so what's gonna h-happen t-to me?"

Mark brushed his thumb over my head, ruffling my soft black hair as Peter spoke up once again "no... except your friend can take care of you.."

I got my sassy rebellious spirit back for a moment "take CARE of me?! I can take care of mySELF thank you!" I looked around at the ring of curious people and stomped my foot on Mark's hand earning an "ow!" I yelled at them "WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT? GOT SOMETHING TO SAY OR JUST GAWK?!"

They all became self aware and awkwardly looked away, departing. I nodded in satisfaction and noticed that Mark and Peter were giggling. I glared at them "LETS GO HOME!"

Mark chuckled and placed me atop his famous red floof. "Comfy~?" He taunted



He chuckled "let's go home"

(I might do a part two but then I would have so much work to do AHHHHHH WHATVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO! Anyway I would love to role play this prompt >~< don't you fucken judge this gt trash! BOI! Anyway thx for reading, Bai XD)

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