Don't. Touch. My. BROTHER!!

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Adami flew through the forest to where he felt his brother's Wakfu slowly being drained from the world. He could hear his brother's screams. Feel his pain, and he hoped he could get there in time, before his brother, his friend, was killed. Suddenly Yugo's scream rang through the forest. Adami flew faster reaching Nox's hideout. "YUUUUGOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He yelled when he burst through the wall, right next to the door.

All he heard when he yelled was the slowing screams of pain. Adami followed the screams to a large room, all he could see of his brother was the Eliatope's Pure Wakfu Wings. The rest of the 28 year old Eliatrope was covered in Noxens, as they drained the Wakfu from his body, slowly killing Yugo in the process. Adami, apon seeing this, Smashed through the glass, and that's when he heard the awful things Nox was saying to Yugo through the speakers. "The second you die I'll go hunt down your Dofus, and destroy it. Then that pesky dragon will be next." All Yugo could do was scream "that's enough Noxens, I need him as bait."

The Noxens cleared to reveal a barely breathing Yugo. "What did you do, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!!??" Adami yelled at the almost empty room

"I-I was wrong A-Adami, " Yugo said looking up weakly "y-you're still m-my brother."

Adami rushed over to Yugo "We need to get you out of here!"

"A-Adami, I have a-almost no Wakfu left i-in me, I-I'm to weak t-to stand up."

"Then I'll carry you, I won't leave you again brother."

"A-Ad, I need y-you to do s-something."



Adami looked up and saw Nox pointing his Sword at Adami. "You wanna fight Zelor!?" Adami yelled transforming into his human form

"No honestly, I was going to use him as bait for you but there's no point in keeping him alive now. I could just let one Noxen out and it would kill him immediately." Nox said as he cut the ropes off Yugo's wrists and picked him up like a rag doll and started dangling him in the air."

"Don't. Touch. My. BROTHER!"

"A-Ad j-just r-run." Yugo said

Then Nox pulled a single Noxen out of his cape and held it next to Yugo. "Take one more step, and I release this Noxen, and let it kill him."

"A-Ad, run." Yugo said slowly regaining his Wakfu.

When Adami didn't run Yugo slowly lifted his hand, and made a portal just large enough to drop Adami through it, saving Adami's and his own lives. "You little pest, trust me when you have enough Wakfu I'll lock you in here and let the Noxens kill you!" Nox yelled moving his hand to Yugo's throat

"Then why not k-kill me now? I spared your life f-from the Sadida's 16 years ago, if you had been in my p-place then I know you w-wouldn't have done that for me, but I still did, I-I bought you time to escape, because no one deserves to die."

"And I still won't." Nox threw Yugo into the chair, and released the Wakfu stealing monster he calls a Noxen "You will feel all the pain in the world, but it'll only take a minute for you to die."

"Fine, k-kill me, it's not like you'd be t-taking the king of an inter race's life, oh wait that's e-exactly what you'll be doing."

"Your race is like your family."

"I-I don't know w-what happened to you, b-but know one t-thing."

"What's that?"

"If you take my W-Wakfu, it'll take T-Thousands o-of years for me to be reborn, a-and I'd still have to wait f-for my dragon b-brother Adami to join me in t-the Dofus, before I-I can be reborn. Leaving t-the Eliatropes w-without a king, a-and a part of their family."

"I can honestly say That I don't care, my family was taken from me, so you will be taken from yours."

"S-so that's w-what happened t-to you? You l-lost your f-family."

"Yes, have at him Noxen. I don't need him now, I'll just find the dragon myself."

Yugo didn't want to die, but he also didn't want his brother to die, he wanted to forgive Adami and apologize, but the end was nigh for Yugo, the end was nigh. "N-Nox!"

"What Pest?"

"P-Please leave my b-brother alone, I'm b-begging you."

Nox walked over to Yugo, grabbed his chin and forced him to look up. "I'm going to hurt him, as badly as I can, and trust me, I will enjoy it."

"N-No. L-leave him a-alone."

"No, Noxen have at him."

The Noxen flew toward Yugo, landed on his arm, and shoved its little Wakfu sucking fangs into his arm. All Yugo could do was Scream, his end was nigh, or so he thought.

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