Idiot in the Basement

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A/N- How you meet X reader

"Um...Hello?" Another creak sounded from the kitchen, low thumps getting louder by the second as the footsteps drew nearer. (Y/n) silently grabbed the broom that lay just to the right of the pantry door; holding (her/his) breath as she prayed that the footsteps would pass without stopping. (Her/his) prayers went unanswered as the steps suddenly stopped directly in front of the pantry door. (She/He) squeezed her eyes shut, gripping the broom with a ferocity that could scare Ganghis Khan himself. The door creaked open slowly and (she/he) readied (herself/himself), preparing to strike. The door opened fully as the outline of a man came into view. 

"Hello," He said cheerfully, waving at (her/him) from around the corner where she was hiding. "I'm the Doctor..Oomph!" Finally gathering (her/his) wits, (Y/N) swung (her/his) broom as hard as (she/he) could, hitting the strange Doctor directly on the head. His figure crumpled as he fell down the small set of stair that led out of the pantry and towards the kitchen. Carefully stepping over the man's crumpled body, (Y/N) made (her/his) way up the stair and back into the kitchen as fear raced through (her/his) veins. Racing up to the attic, (she/he) quickly grabbed some rope, only to return back to the kitchen in a flash. Racing back down the steps, (her/his) blood ran cold as (she/he) realized what, or rather, who was missing: the man who had called himself the Doctor. (Y/N) jumped as a hand grabbed (her/his) wrist and slowly turned (her/him) round. 

"Hello! There's no need to be alarmed; I'm the Doctor and I'm here to help!" (Y/N) Raised an eyebrow suspiciously. 
"If you're here to help, why exactly are you still holding me in place?" The Doctor cleared his throat, removing his hand before taking a step back, running his other hand through his dark unruly hair. 

"er...right...Anyways! I've introduced myself, would you care to return the favor?" He asked, straightening his navy blue tie before adjusting his coffee brown trench coat. (Y/N) eyed him suspiciously. 

"I'm (Y/N)," (She/He) replied hesitantly, ignoring the hand he held out as a sign of truce. The Doctor's grin faltered a bit as he dropped his hand back to his side disappointedly. 

"Right then (Y/N)! So tell me, why would you run to get materials to restrain an intruder instead of running out of the house or calling for help?" He asked intently, pulling out his sonic to scan the room around him. He frowned, flicking it with his fingers, his frown deepening in thought.

"You really don't know?" (Y/N) asked incredulously, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. 

"Nah, I do...just explain it to me as if I've had a sudden bout of amnesia and can't remember where I am or what's going on." He lept suddenly to the stairs, his brows furrowing in concentration as he stared continuously down at his sonic. "Go on, explain it to me." He waved his hand towards (Y/N) absentmindedly.

" we first got here we were pretty happy with the was modern but cheap ya know? Anyways, about 2 weeks in we started hearing strange things...they didn't exactly come from anywhere was like it was in the air kind of," (Y/N) replied, trying to piece together the events that had occurred in a way that made sense.

"Right! The air...then what happened?" The Doctor asked, still staring pointedly at his sonic, walking the border of the room.

"Well...about two days ago the sounds stared getting louder; It got so bad we couldn't hear each other speak unless we yelled. we though it might be something in the air ducts, what with the eerie feeling the air gave us and all, so we hired some bloke to come take a quick look up in the ducts. So the chap went up in the vents and fixed whatever problem they had...or at least that's what we thought. But then Sally, you see, she went up there too because she thought she heard a banging sound in the vents. We couldn't hear anything but anyway she went up there and then she just disappeared." (Y/N) blinked back tears as (she/he) drew in a shaky breath. "So we...we got Brett to go up there and just, you know, have a look around to make sure Sally wasn't just playing a joke or something and he...he came back down white as a sheet...a pure look of terror in his eyes. Just completely out of his wits. Tells us to get out, fast as we can...we believed him, we did...but by then it was too late. The doors and windows just disappeared, poof! Gone! ever since then...we've been being picked off like flies...Brett told us its some kind of...blob or something that gets in the air and in your lungs and slowly kills you off. Thats what he said...just before he died." (Y/N) stopped for breath as (she/he) wiped away the  hot tears that were now streaming down (her/his) face. "I don't recognize you...are you from a dorm from upstairs?" 

"No...Just happened to be passing through, I thought I'd help out," The Doctor said, shrugging with a facade of carelessness, now sitting thoughtfully on the staircase. (Y/N) let out a hysterical laugh. 

"You're just passing by? What help could we possibly get from an idiot in a basement?" (Y/N) asked sarcastically, still attempting to wipe away the teardrops that still stained (her/his) rosy cheeks.

"You said we," the Doctor observed, getting up from the steps to look at (her/his) skeptically. "How do you know you're not the only one left here?" 

"I...I just assumed..." (Y/N) burst into tears a second time, this time making no attempt to cover them, (her/his) (EC) eyes bloodshot and hauntingly sad. The Doctor gave (her/him) a consoling pat, a look of understanding passing over his hardened features. 

"There's no other humanoid life forms left (Y/N). No life forms at all're drifting through space...the creature that took you here is long gone; It's eaten its fill," He explained sympathetically. (Y/N) looked up in alarm. 

"Space? I'm in bloody space?! If I'm in space boy-o how exactly am I breathing?" (Y/N) asked sardonically. The Doctor shook his head sadly. 

"Tardis air corridor, I got here just in time before the last of your oxygen got sucked out through the buildings foundation." He took a step forward grabbing (her/him) by the hand. "You could come with me...Or I could take you home if you'd like." 

"Tardis? What's that?" (Y/N) asked, (her/ his) brown furrowing in confusion. 

"Let me show you," The Doctor replied, his eyes twinkling as he led the way back to his magical blue box.

A/N-So I KNOW I said I'd update like 3 weeks ago...I'm really sorry hiatus is really terrible right now. I'm kinda loosing inspiration...If you guys could send me some requests or just ideas to help me get my inspiration back I'd really appreciate it. I'm so, so sorry about this chapter...I know it's not my best work; I'll try to do better next time. I'd also like to thank you guys SO SO much for being so supportive and nice to me; I probably would have given up writing a while ago if it wasn't for you. So thank you💕

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