If only

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A/N- So once again- this is very short; I'm so sorry. I've been gone all week on vacation which is why I haven't updated. Enjoy!

Time, it always falls away,

That's the price we have to pay.

All our fears and all our sorrow, 

Grow with every passing morrow.

The only thing we cannot keep,

No matter what else we might seek,

Is the glory of our love.

If only, if only,

My beloved .

He turned to see her petite silhouette perfectly defined by the golden light streaming through the small fissure that ran through the wooden door. Her  wavy flaxen hair unfurled across her small white pillow, her untamed curls contrasting the plain ivory white. Her small face was framed with a tranquil  smile, her  body curled up next to his in complete contentment. He smiled, taken aback by how serene and alluring she looked, even while sleeping. He tousled her hair, watching as rays of sunlight bounced off it, illuminating her hair with their golden luster. He sat up as she let out a soft moan of drowsiness, awakening from her restful slumber. She yawned, stretching her pale smooth arms as she turned to face him, a smile lighting up her face as she glimpsed him. His smile grew in response as his thumb gently stroked her cheek.

"Good morning, " He said, his Scottish accent reverberating through the room. She laughed sleepily in response, laying back down to pull the pillow over her head. He smirked, tickling her elongated neck ever so softly, tugging at the pillow gently with his other hand. She sighed, pulling the pillow off her face before getting up, her eyes still shining. He drank in her figure, her silky golden curls loosely framing her light stunning face. 

She noticed, playfully punching him in the shoulder before leaning in to gently capturing his lips with her own. She pushed away the sadness that threatened to overtake her soul, instead choosing to focus on every single moment that lay in front of her now. She tried to block her dismal thoughts from resurfacing, frustrated when the dark terrors continued lurking at the back of her mind as she smiled and laughed in the morning sun for him. She did it for him; she would never truly be happy on a day like this; the day she must say goodbye. He had forgotten, his happiness completely consuming anything bleak that the future held. Unfortunately, the future always manages to become the present, springing its dangers upon the unwary. She pushed away the tears that brimmed her eyes and threatened to spill over. She would be happy for his sake. The night was over; the morning had come. She  struggled to accept that her time was up; used and gone. Yet, she was somehow still not satisfied. How could she leave him? He was her sun, her sky, her whole universe revolved mainly around him. She would never show it, but she relied upon his love and his affections much more that she cared to admit, even to herself. If this was to be their last few minutes together, then she would make the most of it. She set about trying to memorize his every movement and smile, hoping that this remembence would be of comfort to her later.

He gazed upon her happily, puzzled as to her sudden seriousness. She studied him with the utmost diligence, watching him rather reverently. A detail he had forgotten itched at the back of his mind, dancing away into the haze with the sunlight as he tried to grasp at it. Today was important; he could feel it in the air now as he tried to breath. Something dreadful was about to take place. He shook off his thoughts; replacing the morbid silence with a small laugh. She looked up at him, her glazed emerald eyes carrying her back to the present. She slid out of the bed, her feet softly pattering against the floor as she walked to the door.

"I'll be right back," she said sweetly, knowing what she said was irretrievably  untruthful. She glanced back at him one last time as he smiled appreciatively before she left, closing the door tightly behind her, the odd sensation sinking in that she would not be coming back. 

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