Coming Home

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A/N-So I'm evil, sorry...

I'm coming back to something but I don't know what

He flung the Tardis doors open , stepping out of the swirl of smoke and alarms that blared from behind him. His trench coat was ripped, his shirt mussed and his face spotted with soot. He raked a hand through his messy brown hair, the frown on his face only deepening as he observed his surroundings. His eyes flashed with recognition as he realized where he was. 

"Not here anywhere but here," He muttered frantically, spinning around hurriedly to return to the Tardis. The door promptly slammed in his face, before he had a chance to set a foot inside. He pounded on the door, pushing and pulling on the handles. "Let me in! This is not a good time for you to start being moody!" The doors remained aloof, refusing to grant him entry. There are some things that must be face, demons of your past from which you cannot hide, mistakes that cannot be ignored. Time catches up with all, and in the end, we must all face the unspeakable terror lurking just behind us. Footsteps echoed behind him, the sound of another being coming closer and closer. He turned around slowly, afraid of what he would find. His breath caught in recognition as he faced one of the many regrets he had created for himself. It was her, the girl he'd left behind, the girl he'd left to fend for herself, the one he'd never quite given up hope on. His eyes filled with tears as she stepped closer, her golden hair shimmering in the bright light that surrounded them. He swallowed, preparing himself for the harsh words that would undoubtedly come from her perfectly shaped blood red lips. He flinched, mentally steeling himself for the words that would break his hearts, cause him more pain and sorrow than he already felt. Those harsh words never reached the open air. Instead, to his surprise, she stepped forward even more, resting her slim, soft hand upon his cheek, never once wavering in her resolve. Her bright smile illuminated his whole world and became his singular foremost focus, her bright eyes shining with countless nights of unshed tears. His panic began to slowly ebb away as he stood in awe, wondering how she could be here. His mind rushed with a thousand things to say, but his mouth struggled to form anything that might remotely resemble syllables. She gave a weak smile at his consternation that pulled at his heart, the feelings of remorse coming awash  once again. There were things that must be said; things that time could not heal or soften. Some things just couldn't be mended with absence, they had to be repaired with words and actions. He swallowed, struggling to form the right sentence to describe his feelings with the utmost brevity. 

"I'm sorry," He managed, flushing as he realized just how late those words were; how weak and feeble they sounded tumbling out of his mouth. Nonetheless, they must be said. He searched her face for any sign of a response. Receiving none, he continued awkwardly, unsure of his footing and keenly aware of the treacherous path he was venturing down. "Nothing I say could ever make this...make what I did alright or excusable but...It must be said anyway. So I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry. I can't even begin to express half of what I'm feeling. To say I missed you seems a rather cruel understatement of the true facts."

"Which are?" Her quiet, hopeful voice cut through his apology, her eyes dancing with a small bit of desire. He smiled at her optimism, so unchanged from how he'd left it all those years before. She herself remained unchanged, still the same intelligent, withdrawn being, not a day of age showing on her body. It showed in her eyes though, the weight of fear, neglect,and sorrow all taking their toll. She looked tired, worn out, soaked in an unmistakable cloak of despondency, all because of him. This was his fault, pure and true. No one else had played a role in the cause of her despair; only him. He cleared his throat abruptly, the realization that he'd been staring a cause for extreme embarrassment. Whatever was said next must be perfectly crafted, leaving no room for doubt or uncertainty. He took in a breath, preparing himself .

"The true facts..." He stuttered, growing angry at himself for already messing up his so meticulously crafted plan of words. "The true facts are that I missed you more than I will ever be able to express with mere words. The truth is that I couldn't bear to bring myself back to see what I'd made of the woman I loved. The truth is I would give anything to go back and fix what I did. I can't though, much as I wish it possible." His shoulders slumped with this final declaration, his eyes fixed firmly on the white tiled floor. His concentration was only cut through at the realization of her arms wrapping him slowly into an embrace. He looked up, allowing himself to bask in her breath taking eyes, his own eyes lazily wandering to her lips. She looked up at him, her innocent face sparkling with contentment as he wrapped his arms around her, bending down till their noses were touching, their breathing sounding in perfect euphony. 

"Did you mean what you said before?" She breathed, her eyes filling with an irrepressible craving for something she'd been deprived of for quite a long time; love. 

"Yes, I do wish I would take it back, every second of it," He whispered back, clearly not understanding her query.

"No, not that. When you said you loved me...?" His response was instantaneous. In one swift move he claimed her  full lips with his own, allowing his hands to stroke her hair and neck as they had itched to do from the moment of his arrival. They melded together, no longer struggling to quell their burning desires. It was the one force they had never been able to conquer that was now breaking free. He sighed happily, tightening his grip on her possessively. He reached out to grasp the Tardis door, unsurprised when they opened for him. This is what  she had wanted the whole time. Her family back together as a whole, instead of split and frayed and shattered. He smiled,breaking away from the kiss to whisper, 

"I'm home."


He sat up, confused. He looked around wildly, trying to find her. She wasn't there. She never was and yet, it had been so blissfully real, so wonderfully true and believable. The cold hard reality came crashing back down on him as he realized the truth of the matter. She could never come back. She would never come back. He lay back down, trying to ignore the tears that slipped down his pained face into the vast endless darkness of the night.

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