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A/N- This is my first time doing this so...I hope you like it. 

"I'm back!" you yelled, opening the Tardis doors wide before stepping inside. "Did you miss me?" The Doctor ran into the room, embracing you happily. 

"(Y/N)! You decided to stay!" He cried joyfully. "Good! Where do you want to go first? You can choose." You shook your head slightly at his enthusiasm. Of course you were staying, you just wanted to let your family know where you would be this time.  You'd been traveling with the Doctor for over a year and you were going to stay with him as long as he would put up with you. You looked up into the Doctor's brown eyes with your (E/C) eyes, laughing a little. 

"Let's go somewhere exciting," you said, "Any suggestions?" The Doctor immediately pounced on the question, his face lighting up with a thousand possibilities as they ran through his mind.

"Well," he said, giving you a slight twirl. "We could go to a planet made entirely out of clouds or..." His face darkened as he pulled you flush against him. "We could stay here." You stood there a moment, trying to catch your breath. Your eyes continually darted between his eyes and his lips and you were keenly aware of the heat of his arms on your waist. Was this a joke?  Your eyes welled up with tears as you tried to push yourself away. 

"Doctor, please don't joke about that," you said, moving your hand to brush your (H/C) hair out of your face. "It's really not funny," you pleaded, staring straight into his chocolate brown eyes. You couldn't stay like this much longer before acting on your feelings. 

"I wasn't joking," He said in a serious voice. "I've made the mistake of not letting other people know how I feel, I'm not about to make that same mistake again with you." You glanced up at his  face again, trying to read his thoughts. You were on the verge of bursting in to tears now as you tried to push away. You felt like he could see right through you. He knew how you felt and was mocking you. That was the only explanation. 

"Please, it's not funny..." your voice cracked as the Doctor grabbed your wrist and leaned into you,

"I don't know how else I'm going to convince you I'm not joking," he said, bending down to roughly claim your lips with his. You stood stock still in shock for a moment, trying to process what was happening before giving up. You relaxed a little, running your fingers through his hair as he idly twirled a strand of your (H/C) hair with his fingers. The kiss deepened as you were pushed up against the  Tardis console, both of you completely drowned in each other. The Doctor lightened the kiss softly before slowly pulling away to stare into your (E/C) eyes. The Doctor let out a sigh of contentment, still holding you in his arms. You breathed heavily trying to catch your breath.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that," he said, smiling weakly. You smiled too, softly kissing him again. You'd wanted to tell him for a long time how you'd felt, now you actually could.

"Doctor," you breathed, afraid to speak above a whisper for fear of ruining such a fragile, precious moment.  Tell him! "I...I love you." you said, your voice filling with emotion. The Doctor lifted your face with his hand so you were looking directly into his eyes.

"(Y/N), I love you too," He replied in a deep voice. "I love you so, so much." He leaned down again, entangling your lips with his. You let your hands wander his chest, drawing invisible circles on it. You pulled back after a few minutes, gasping for breath.

"Maybe we should... do this...somewhere else," You managed between breaths, the Doctor trailing a line of kisses up your collarbone. The Doctor smirked, picking you up and spinning you in a circle. You shrieked in surprise and laughed as he bent down to kiss your nose, dipping you at the same time. 

"You're right," he said mischievously. "Maybe we should. Allons-y!" 

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