Chapter 40

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V e r o n i k a ' s     P o i n t     o f     V i e w

My head was pounding as it was leant against a cold, unfamiliar surface. My eyes slowly begin to blink open as I tried to recall what happened.

I remember seeing Zac staring at me in the parking lot, and then someone's hands had covered my mouth with a ragged cloth that smelt awful. Then nothing. I couldn't recall a single thing.

I wanted it all to be a bad dream, but when I looked around and saw Zac staring at me with his arms crossed, I knew it was real.

"You're finally awake." He stated with a relieved sigh.

My eyes shot daggers at him and I groggily stood up, trying to catch my balance. "You're dead. I'm literally going to kill you."

His eyes grew wide because the tone in my voice was serious as hell. He freaking drugged and kidnapped me. I knew he was extreme, always beating people up and such, but this was just a completely new level.

I cracked my knuckles as I continued to stare him down but then a voice came out from behind me and my eyes instantly grew wider than Zac's. Pure panic rushed through my veins.

That voice was what gave me nightmares for months.

It belonged to the person responsible for my freak accident on the ice.

The person who ruined my figure skating career.

The person who ruined me.

"Veronika, chto s toboy sluchilos'?" My most hated person ever spoke to me. I couldn't turn around to face his dark eyes that tormented me.

I swallowed and glared even further at Zac, shaking my head. "What did you do?" My voice was full of regret. Zac made a terrible move. He had no idea the mistake he made with involving the one and only Brett Dawson into his life.

Zac let out a little laugh that sounded somewhat uncomfortable. "I looked more into you background after seeing how good you actually are on the ice. I couldn't believe it since you are a girl -"

I nearly growled at him for that comment, but let him continue because I was eager to know what went on in that messed up mind of his.

"Then I realized you kind of looked familiar so I started looking you up, but no results were showing up for a Veronika Ramirez besides your new instagram page. My little sister happened to walk in as I was scrolling through and started freaking out because she said you looked just like this insane skater she's seen named Veronika Novak. So I looked up Veronika Novak..and alas it was you. I watched a couple of videos from your competitions and knew you were just too good and I couldn't risk"

I glared. "So what? You hired a psychopath to keep me away until after the game's over tomorrow?"

Zac shook his head. "No, I hired you ex boyfriend/ex coach to keep you away from the rink until after the game tomorrow. You know I'm one to do things with flare."

My breath steadied and I shook my head back at him. "You don't know what you just did."

He shrugged, sounding almost sincere. "I'm sorry. I just really need to win this game tomorrow, my future depends on it."

A dark laugh erupted from me. "I don't care about the game, I'm more concerned with the fact that you free willingly invited a murderer into your house."

Zac's face contorted into a confused and somewhat scared expression as he glanced to Brett, who I still hadn't turn to face yet. "What the fuck, a who?" Zac stated, sounded completely lost and flabbergasted.

"A murderer. A cold hearted murderer." I stated, crossing my arms and finally turning to face Brett.


this is short but these next few chapters are kinda gonna be like this bc i don't wanna jam it all into one big chapter! also i'm able to get them out faster this way so you guys don't have to wait forever!

i'm amazed by all the comments and votes i received last chapter! i seriously appreciate you guys so so much !!


1. Were you expecting Brett?!

2. Did you even remember Brett's character existed? His name was never mentioned until now, but in the earlier chapters ronnie mentioned being afraid of someone!

3. Any guesses for what's going to happen next chapter? Or is there anything you want/ don't want to see happen?!

4. How do you think Harry feels rn lol

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