I love Kennedy with all of my heart. I would do anything for her. From take her everywhere with me to singing her to sleep at night.

I am so confused on when I should ask her. I'm afraid she will tell me no.

I realize something else too, the way she acted at the park with Andrew.

She would kind of look sad to the mothers with their children.

As if she was jealous of them, upset she didn't have any of her own.

But if she wanted some of her own,

why did she bring up adoption?

I then stand up from the sink, and look to the stairwell.

She brought up adoption, because either one, she is afraid to have her own, or she is unable to.

I walk over to the stairs, and step on them slowly and carefully.

Making my way down the hallway, I reach the bathroom door. Not wanting to let Kennedy know I'm standing there, I lean my left ear onto the door and try to listen to what is going on inside.

I hear the shower running, tapping onto the bottom of the bath tub, and I also hear whimpers of sadness.

When I'm almost tempted to open the door and comfort her, I stop myself in hear of her saddened voice.

"Why...why must it be me, dear lord? Why?"

I stand still, looking down at the end of the door, noticing the fog peeping out of the cracks of the door.

"I wish I was able to become pregnant so I could make Nate's dreams come true..."

She thinks I wouldn't be happy with her if she couldn't give me children of my own?

That isn't true, at all. It's a nice thing to have children that look a lot like you, and you know you created them, but that is and never will be a reason for me to be upset with Kennedy.

I jiggle the knob to confirm wether it is locked or not. Bringing me relief, it was unlocked. I open the door slowly, being introduced immediately by so much fog from the hot water.

"Kennedy, are you okay?" I ask calmly.

She clears her throat and takes a few moments trying to clear her voice to make it sound like she hasn't been crying to begin with, when I know she has.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine Nate." She says back softly.

The shower curtain is still closed, but I could tell that Kennedy was standing up, but leaning against the shower wall, according to her shadow.

"Kennedy, I could hear you from crying outside. I know you're not okay."

I sit on the lid of the toilet, and await for her to show her face from behind the curtain.

Sadly, she still hasn't chosen to do so.

"Kennedy, do you need company in there?"

She still gives me no answer.

I blow out a big annoyed huff, then stand up from the toilet and begin to take off my clothes.

"W-what are you doing out there, Nate?" She asks from behind the curtain.

"I'm jumping in there with ya."

She says no more, and I am just about completely naked.

When I am finally naked, I pull on the other side of the curtain, not too much so Kennedy won't feel really exposed.

Butterfly Tattoo [Nate Ruess]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя