Chapter 5: The bonfire

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{Around 1 month after Ellie's arrival, Newt's POV}
Tonight's fire is really good. All the gladers seem to have a good time, talking and laughing with each other. The bonfires are truly the highlights of the miserable life in the glade. I sit on a log next to Thomas, who as usual doesn't talk that much.
"Hey shanks you need to try this thing out!" Minho says as he comes tripping towards us, holding up a jar with a yellow liquid in it. He hands over the bottle to Thomas who takes a sip.
"Gods what is that?!" Thomas says as he spits it all out.
"Dunno, something that greenie made." He answers while laughing and pointing with a shaky finger towards Gally.
"You want to try?" Thomas asks and shows me the bottle. I simply shake my head as a response.
"Well if none of you shanks like it, I figure you don't mind if I take it back." Minho sludders and takes the bottle, walking away heading to Frypan.
"He's gonna get bloody drunk as hell with that thing." I say with a chuckle.
"I think he already is, that thing tasted like puke" Thomas says, laughing a bit. Thinking about greenies, I remember Ellie. I look around but I can't see her anywhere.
"Have you seen Ellie?"
"I think she's over there." Tommy says and points at a log, several meters behind the fire.
"Thanks" I answer and get up on my feet. I start to walk towards her, feeling really bad for leaving her all alone on her first bonfire. As I get closer I notice how she's lying on the grass in front of the log, using it as cover. That's why I didn't notice her, the log made her impossible to see. I can't tell if she's sleeping or not, but either way she looks so calm and so peaceful. I lay down on the soft grass next to her. It's much more quiet here, since we're a bit away from the others. It's also darker and colder here because of our distance from the fire.
"Aren't they beautiful?"
I look at her and she looks like she's almost in trance. She's all still with her eyes wide open, looking up at the sky.
"In a sky that is so so dark, they still manage to shine trough the darkness." She says in a calm yet passionate voice. Her eyes are shimmering, making her shine and she's looks like she's in love with the stars. I look at her, and she is so beautiful. To me, she's shining even brighter than the stars. She turns around and looks at me, giggling a bit.
"Have you been drinking that thing Gally made?" I ask her and she nods eagerly, chuckling at the same time.
"It tasted like shucking shit" She says laughing pretty hard. She seems to be a bit off, but it doesn't matter cause she's adorable anyway. She turns back and continues to admire the stars.
"I don't remember much from my past, but what I do remember is lying in the grass with someone, looking at the stars" She says, looking like she's trailing off into her memories. I don't understand how she could remember anything, but I don't give it much of a thought.
"I just wish I could remember the names of the constellations."
The weather, the sounds, the fire, everything makes this moment perfect. I turn to the side and look at her. This is the moment. I need to tell her how I feel. I can't keep on hiding it anymore. I love her. I love her so so much. She's so bloody wonderful. I want to tell her how much she means to me. I want to tell her that she's just as beautiful as the stars she's admiring. I want to tell her that inside of me there's a dark sky and she is the star, shining trough the darkness, showing me the light. I need to tell her before I fall apart. She turns around and looks straight at me, with clarity in her eyes. She smiles.
"Lili, I... I-" As im about to confess to her, Minho interrupts me.
"Newt come here! Alby wants to talk to ya!" He shouts.
Bloody hell. It's all ruined now. I let out a big sigh, and I notice that her smile fades away.
"Come back here after your chat will ya?" She asks with pleading eyes.
"Sure" I respond with a smile as I get to my feet and walk away.

{Ellie's POV}

I watch him walk away, really wanting him to stay. The blonde and kind boy. He becomes more and more distant, and for some reason I can feel a tear tripping down my cheek. I know I must be affected by that stuff Gally gave me, but still, It feels weird that Newt walking away can make me cry. It was just such a beautiful moment, and I want him back. I turn back to the stars, close my eyes, and wait for him to get back.
"Hi Ellie!" A familiar voice says, and when I open my eyes I see Gally standing next to me.
"They all seem to like my drink." He says as he sits down, his face full of pride.
"Then they're lying cause it tasted like klunk." I respond. At first he seems hurt, but then I give him one of my reassuring smiles, and he seems okay again.
"Look, there's something I want to tell you." He says, changing into a more serious tone.
"We've been here for over a month now and we've gotten to know lots of new people. I've gotten to know you, and I've been lucky to have you as a friend." He's stammering and I wonder what this conversation is leading to.
"Thing is, I don't think I want to be your... friend..." His face turns all red and I can see how nervous he is.
Without any warning, he puts his hand behind my head and he leans in to kiss me. It all comes so fast and I have no idea how to react. I sit there in shock, feeling the panic inside of me. He pulls back and looks at me with a genuine smile, looking happier than ever before. Not having any clue about how to react, I just smile trying to not make him feel bad.
"I love you Ellie. From the first time when I saw your pretty face in the box, I knew that you'd be the love of my life." He says as he stands up and then gives me one last smile before strolling away, as happy as someone could ever be. I bury my face in my hands. What did just happen? I know that I'm probably drunk, but did that just happen? I pinch myself hard in the arm trying to wake up from this dream, but with no result. I turn around just to feel something inside of me break. In the distance I see Newt, staring straight at me with wet eyes, trembling.
Shit shit shit. I feel my eyes getting all puffy, and I look around myself, trying to come up with something to do. I notice an unopened bottle of Gally's drink. I take it and start to run into the woods, pouring all of its content down my throat, determined to finish the whole bottle to make myself forget this whole situation.

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