Chapter 9

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What should I take with me on this journey? I'll definitely need fruits and water

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What should I take with me on this journey? I'll definitely need fruits and water. 

They might not last that long but something is better than nothing. Besides, I'm sure I'll find trees bearing fruits on my way. I had taken a dagger from aunt's room earlier. It belonged to my father. It had a handle made out of marble stone and golden markings on the top edge. I might not need to use it at all, but it's safer to carry it. 

Grabbing a few more supplies, I closed the flap of my bag. Looking at my bed and thinking otherwise, I knelt down and reached for the wooden box. Opening the lid of the box, I took out my mother's sketch. I opened the flap of my leather bag and securely placed her sketch in it. Placing its strap on my shoulder, I looked around my room one last time. 

I don't know when I'll be back. But let's hope that I succeed. I took the piece of paper that was under my pillow and left for the lounge. It was quiet. Wonder how did the conversation go. I saw aunt Jo, tying a bow with the strings on her cloak. She smiled at me as I made my way to her. 

"You ready?"

"Yeah. How did it go?"

"He believed it and said that he will leave immediately. I told him to wait outside, we will leave together. He can then take his way and we will go ours."

"Okay. I have taken everything that I thought was useful. I took dad's dagger from your room as well."

"Good. You'll need that to protect yourself. Though you have all the charms and spells learned by heart. Even though you might be prepared, you can never know what tomorrow holds. Always have your guard up and stay attentive. I might not be there with you physically, but you can always reach me through your mind using telepathy."

She stopped speaking and looked at me longingly. Reaching out towards my shoulder, she placed a hand there. She lifted my chin and made me look her in the eye.

"I know you are capable of doing great things, Emma. You lit my life up in the darkest of times. When I lost my sister, brother-in-law and all the other villagers. I wish I could save the lives of those children who's murder we witness so many years ago. But I had no choice. There was not enough time or space. Just know that you will be victorious and avenge the ruthless murders of those kids, villagers and your parents. You will thrive and conquer what's yours. I love you, Emma. No matter what happens, I will always be with you."

Tears started welling up in her eyes as aunt Joanna spoke. I knew she was going to miss me just as much as I was going to miss her. A tear rolled down my cheek. Wiping it from the back of my hand, I took out the piece of paper that I wrote on yesterday. Handing it to her, I smiled at her.

"You read this when you reach home safely after sending me off."

She kept it in her pocket and nodded in agreement.

"I have something for you too."

She pulled something shiny from her other pocket. It was a locket with a purple stone engraved in it. 

"This was your mother's

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"This was your mother's. And now it's your's."

Opening its lock, aunt Joanna helped me wear it. It gleamed a beautiful purple as light reflected on it.

"Thank you so much aunt Jo."

"Your welcome child, now you go outside. I think you should say your goodbyes to Daniel as well. We might never see him again. I'll lock up the house meanwhile."


I walked to the front door but was stopped by aunt Jo.

"We won't leave from the front door. Use the back door."


Frowning in confusion, I made my way to the back door and exited the cottage. On second thought, I turned around and peeked at it one last time. It wasn't much, but I had spent the last eighteen years there. Turning around, I descended the stone stairs that led to the lake. The forest was connected here too but I never went there. It was too dangerous. Of course until now. The forest is where I'll be. 

Shaking my head I glanced up to see Daniel standing near the lake. He was throwing stones into the water. And they were skipping rhythmically. Smiling I walked up to him. He spoke without turning or even looking at me.

"I'm really sorry to hear about your relative."

"It's okay."

"You know, you're really lucky to have such a beautiful lake right behind your cottage."

"Yeah, I often come here when I feel stressed. It helps a lot."

He turned his head sideways and looked at me. This was the first time he didn't have a smile on his face. 

"I often feel stressed too. Walking into the woods helps. People usually get lost into the woods, I usually find myself there."

I wasn't sure what he meant. But I knew he was trying to tell me something. Something I didn't understand back then. As if realizing what he just said, he shock his head and that smile was back on his face. He stretched his arm out towards me. I looked at his outstretched hand and realized he was expecting me to shake it. I took it slowly. His soft hands firmly held mine. I looked up to meet his smiling eyes.

"It was nice meeting you, Miss Emma."

"Likewise, Mr. Daniel."

He then let go of my hand and put them in his pockets. I started fiddling with my locket unconsciously. Soon aunt Joanna came and we started walking towards the woods. I started walking behind aunt Joanna and Daniel. This was the first time I entered the woods after going to that cottage. So naturally, aunt Joanna was supposed to know where we were going. Luckily, the path that I had to walk on was not so confusing. It would have marks and signs that will help me to decipher if I am on the right track. 

We kept walking for a few minutes until there came a place where the woods were being divided into two pathways. Aunt Jo stopped and turned to look at Daniel. And they exchanged knowing looks. 

"Our journey together ends here Daniel. You go the left way and we take the right one."

"Yeah okay."

He hugged aunt Joanna and smiled at her.

"If we meet again, you know what to cook for me."

Aunt Jo chuckled. 

"Yes Danny, I know. Bean soup."

He nodded and then turned to look at me. He waved at me.

"See you on the other side."

I smiled at him and waved in response. He turned and started walking to the left. We watched him until the turn. He waved one last time and then he turned deep into the woods. I glanced at aunt Joanna who was smiling at me.

"He's a nice kid."

I nodded. 

"Come on then. Let's turn right."

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