Chapter 5

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In the next week, my spirits were high. I had seen my parents in my dream and they were really happy. Seeing them happy made me joyful. I knew that they were watching over me and that they loved me for who I am. I didn't tell aunt about my dream though. I have noticed that if I mention my dreams to her, I stop having them for a while. And I don't want to stop seeing my parents in my dreams. Especially not when the time for me to leave was so close.

I wanted to tell them myself that I will be leaving the next day. Aunt hasn't said much about it but I know that she is nervous too. Whenever she gets nervous, she starts messing up her work. She just can't get something right. The day before yesterday, she was wearing two different shoes. And yesterday, she forgot to cook lunch. God knows what she will do today.

 It can be tiring but I find it funnier. She looks absolutely adorable when she realizes her fault. The look on her face is like a two years old, who just can't understand why we have to sleep every night. Right now she is out on her daily firewood hunt. I suggested her to bring some flowers too. Maybe that might help her forget about tomorrow. Just for a few minutes though. She is super cautious today.

She told me to lock the doors, shut the windows tight and close the curtains. While she is gone, I must not go near any door or window. I am to sit obediently on the couch and pretend that no one is home. As if any soul will find us here in the middle of nowhere.  And when she returns, she will knock thrice on the door signaling that it's her. So I should unlock the door only then. 

So I grabbed a book from the shelf and started shuffling through the pages. I had practiced earlier in the morning so I was just going to relax. Placing my back on the arm of the chair and my feet on the other arm, I started reading. It was a story about a girl who was walking alone in the forest at night. She was traveling with her family but she got lost in the way. 

I should NOT be reading this, considering how I will be the one walking alone in the forest a few days later. That is a very scary thought. Especially at night. I mean, yeah she can't do spells and charms like me, so she is more likely to get eaten up by an animal or attacked by a creature. But still, I'll be alone too. Sure aunt will escort me to the start of the path, but still... Oh God! I need to stop reading this! But something was happening, she heard a twig crack behind her. She got alarmed and slowly turned around. And saw two yellow eyes in the bush...

*knock knock knock*

I looked up from the book. Who was that? It must be aunt Jo. She said she would know thrice. 

I got up from the armchair and placed the book on the table. It could be a yellow-eyed creature...

I shook my head and removed such thoughts out of my mind. It was aunt Joanna and no one else. Besides, there can't be anyone else. No one can find us here. No one comes here in the middle of nowhere. I slowly started walking towards the door with a hand lifted towards the knob. 

*knock knock knock*

Aunt Joanna must be wondering what's taking me so long.. I grabbed the knob and opened the door quickly. I looked up to meet not yellow but a pair of light brown eyes. I got startled. That's not my aunt. The first human being that I see after so many years. A boy about my age having the most handsome features, might I add. I might not have seen many humans. But I know when I see a beautiful one. Wait, WHAT? Hello? He's a stranger! Guard up. 

"I'm sorry... It's just that I got lost on my way and there was no other place that I could find here. I need water."

I stood there dumbfounded. What to do? It could be a trap... Lurking me out of the house. I mean, no one has ever shown up here before. But then again, what if he really doesn't know who I am? And he is just a traveler? Oh, what's taking aunt so long? The stranger stood there patiently. He must think I am crazy. 

"Do you have water?.. Can you speak?"

Oh great, he thinks I am mute.

"Yeah, I have water. Please give a moment. I will be right back."

I slammed the door on his face and got as far away from the door as possible. What was I going to do? I started pacing back and forth. He can't see me in here. The curtains are closed. I can make him wait but not for long... Suddenly I heard my aunt's voice chanting a spell followed by a loud thud sound.

I rushed to the door and slowly peaked through the gap. Aunt Jo was standing beside a body on the ground. Oh my God, she killed him! I opened the door wide and ran outside.

"Aunt Jo! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Who's this?"

She gestured to the boy lying on the ground. I shrugged in response.

"I don't know. Did you kill him?"

"No. He just unconscious. Why was he here?"

"He said he needed water. Something like, traveling in the woods and getting lost. Do you think he is one of them?"

"I don't think so. If he would have been, we would have been dead by now."

"What do we do?"

"Help me take him to the cottage."


"How do you plan on explaining him this when he gets up?"

"I don't know, that's your job. You're the one who cast the spell."

She gave me a smug look before replying.

"I should have just waited for him to attack you then?"

"He wasn't going to."

"I didn't know that before now did I?"

"Okay fine! Don't you know a spell that can carry him?"

"Nope. Now move before he wakes up."

I grabbed his arm and placed it on my shoulder. Woah he's heavy. I looked up at aunt hoping to get some help. But had already started walking towards the cottage. Great. An actual social interaction and it ended up with me dragging their unconscious self to the cottage. Way to go. And to think that I could actually have a social life. Besides, this guy is too good looking to be in my social circle. He also smells good. I noticed that he too had a distinct scent. But I just can't put my finger on it. 

I placed him on the couch and sighed in relief. That's done. While I was closing the door, I heard a faint moan. He was up. We better have a good explanation for this..

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