Chapter 3

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"Emma. Are you alright? Wake up!"


"What happened?"

I forced my eyelids to open as the sunlight coming through the window seemed blindingly bright. Why was I lying on the floor? He was here! Oh God! I lifted my head and placed my weight on one elbow.

My gaze immediately shifted to the window. There was no one there. I looked at the other window that was in the kitchen. No one stood there either. I moved my head towards Aunt Jo. She was looking at me with the most confusing expression.


"I..I saw him. At our window."



"But that's impossible Emma. The charm that has been cast here is no ordinary one. It is the most powerful charm. It will hide and protect us. But if you keep leaving the cottage, it might not work at all. I know that staying indoors isn't the best thing to do but you only have a few more weeks. After that, you have to leave this cottage anyways."

"But why did he disappear? Where did he go?"

"I don't think it was really him. He is trying to read your mind and control it. He has been waiting for you to leave your hiding place. Now that the time is near, he is trying to grasp all your thoughts so that he can prevent you from reaching the Grand Destination. Emma, please stay inside. And practice. I will have to teach you a few new charms for your mind's protection. One mistake and all those years of training and waiting will go to vain. We will get killed just like the rest of the family.. Our generation will end and so will the legacy."

"Does he know our location now?"

"No. If he would have found out, he would have killed us. That's the only reason they are searching for us."

I let out a sigh of relief and got up from the floor. I was about to leave for the kitchen to get a glass of water, but I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"Aunt Joanna, Why did I faint?"

"When someone tries to read your mind or take power on it, it requires a lot of energy to fight back. In your case, you have not practiced mind strengthening techniques yet. So after just a few moments, your mind gave up and you fainted."

"What are these techniques? Teach me please."

"Yes dear, I will. But first I have to cook something for us. It's almost noon."


I continued my way to the kitchen and drank water. Seeing how Aunt Jo ha lost her humor after the incident I realized that it wouldn't be a good time to tag along. I silently cut the vegetables for her while sitting on the floor and the vegetables on the table.

How can someone find us even with telepathy? We are well protected. Why does it seem like Zander was really here? I guess I will never find out now. I am stuck indoors. Aunt Jo is right, I am the last hope for my family. One wrong move and everything goes to waste. I wonder if I should start my regular practice.. Aunt can teach me new charms once she's done the cooking.

I finished cutting the vegetables and handed them to my aunt. Coming back to the main room, I sat on the floor with my legs crossed and hands on my knees. Taking deep breaths in and out I gathered my energy and calmed my mind. I closed my eyes and continued breathing rhythmically. I focused my eyes while keeping them closed. 

At first, all I could see was black. Then a white dot splashed in the middle and spread out like water waves. Then fell another and another until the blackness was gone and the only color that remained was white. Swirls of green, blue and purple started dancing in front of my eyes. I smiled as I saw them move around freely and gracefully. I scrunched my eyebrows together as I tried to control their movement. 

It seemed impossible, to begin with. But later as I concentrated my energy on them, it became possible. The swirls started moving in the direction I wanted them to. It felt good. My mind control powers were improving. I could feel it. It was time to try something new.

I imagined the green swirl turning pink and after a few twists and turns, it did! Yes! Wait till Aunt hears about this. I was growing stronger. I made the swirls sink into the white pool until they disappeared. I took a deep breath in and opened my eyes. I smiled remembering what I saw and did. It felt amazing to be in control. 

I am in control. I am going to leave the cottage, find the path to the Grand Destination and become the chief. Yes! I wish my parents could see me... I am sure they can. Aunt Joanna says that good spirits are allowed to visit their loved ones. I can't see them, but I am sure that they visit often. Sometimes sight can't show you what scents can. I have smelled their presence. I haven't mentioned this to aunt but I think that everyone has a scent. And every person has a different one. My father's scent is similar to sandalwood and my mother's scent is similar to roses. Aunt Joanna's scent resembles lavender. I don't know mine. One never knows their own. Whenever I am really sad or depressed, I often smell sandalwood. And when I am really happy or excited I smell roses. My parents might not be with me all the time as my aunt. But their existence is woven in my soul. I am their soul and they are mine. These small moments make my life lively. They give me strength and power to fight with my problems. 

I shift my weight from one side to the other.

 Let's try practicing something else.

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