Chapter 2

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I quickly opened my eyes, trying to get rid of the images, stinging my mind with painful memories. I was panting for air and sweating badly. Every time I recalled that unpleasant event, my stomach churned. The image of children's bodies sprawled on the floor doesn't escape my mind.

God knows if their parents were already killed or not. How can someone be so brutal? Didn't they have a heart? As if killing people was the easiest task for them. They killed all the villagers.. including my family. All except my Aunt and I.

I got up from the spot and wiped the tears with the back of my palm. The wind had silenced as if it felt my grief.

I longed to remember my parents. But my mind has gone blank. As if all memories of my parents have been swiped clean. All I can remember are the things that Aunt Jo has told me about them. How my parents loved me... How they wanted me to be the Chief. How I had to take training from my father to be the best. But I can't do that now...Father's not here anymore. I can't be the best.

But I have to be the best. I have to be strong. I have a whole journey ahead of me. I can't let these thoughts weaken myself. I will fulfill my parents' obligation. I will walk the path and reach the Grand Destination. That's my responsibility now. That's what I have been training for all these years. That's what my Aunt has been teaching me.

Aunt Jo.

I should return to the cottage. It won't be long till Aunt Jo comes back.

After taking long breaths and calming myself, I started walking towards the cottage. Hopefully, she won't be back. And she wasn't. I slowly closed the door behind me as I crept inside. Seeing how it took her long, I filled the vase with some water. She must be bringing flowers too. And surely a few seconds later, the front door opened and Aunt entered.

I hurriedly grabbed the basket filled with firewood and placed it near the fireplace. After that, I lightly sprinkled the flowers with some water to remove any dust on it. Finally, I placed them in the vase.

Filling a glass with tap water, I handed it to Aunt Jo as she sat on the armchair. I watched her as she took a sip and placed the glass on the table. She looked at me questioningly.

"Have you practiced?"


"Then what were you doing Emma?"

"I..was cleaning the cottage."

"Really? Then how come it looks just the same to me?"

"Because I was making my bed earlier so I got a little late."

"Mhm. You do know that you're not allowed to leave the cottage right?"

"Yes, and that's why I didn't go outside."

"That's why your frock has dirt on it's back?"

I hurriedly spun around to see dirt on the white fabric. Dusting it away with my hand I looked at Aunt sheepishly. She must have seen it when I was placing the firewood. I opened my mouth to respond but she sighed deeply and tapped the spot beside her.

"Emma, come sit here."

I nodded obediently and sat next to her. She smiled sweetly at me and pushed a strand of my hair behind the ear.

"You have your mother's looks. Her light brown eyes and honey brown hair. You remind me of her so much. You also have her habits. The way she smiled and talked. So it is very easy for me to know when you are lying."

I peeked at her through my eyelashes. She was looking at me. Straight in the eye. I huffed in frustration.

"But I only went out for some fresh air."

"I know dear. You love the forest, just like your mum. You like exploring and wandering off to your desire. She could do that. She lived in the safest place possible. Protected by guards and our men. But you do not have those privileges. We live alone. No men, no guards will come to rescue us. No one will even notice that we have been removed from the face of this Earth."

"Isn't that what you've been preparing me for? Protecting myself? How can I do that if I am always at home? I have never seen or talked to any other human except you ever since we came here. It's been 18 years Aunt. How am I possibly going to survive on that path if I can't even walk to the lake alone?"

"My child, I am protecting you so that you can walk that path. A single mistake can finish our centuries-long legacy. We have to be careful and wait till you leave this cottage for the Grand Destination. After your parents were killed I was responsible for keeping you safe. I had to find a place that was as far away from the demons as possible. I knew they were looking for us. So I sought help from my teacher. He taught me protection charms that needed two strong magicians. So together, he and I cast a charm in order to prevent any intruders from finding us. You have to stay indoors Emma, I can't lose another family member. You are the only one left that can carry on this mission. You are our last hope. And I can't put our last hope in danger. I deeply love you, Emma. Your mother was just as dear to me as you are. And I promised her that I will always protect you from any harm. So my dear, please have patience. Once you get to the Grand Destination, life will be all joys and no worries. I promise you that."

Kissing my forehead she stood up and left for the kitchen. I watched her leave the room and my gaze lingered on the spot where she exited.

Will life ever be joyous for me? Or will I always have to find joys in the smallest moments like escaping the cottage to go to the lake?

Suddenly something rushed past the window. I looked up to see a dark figure standing at the window. I had seen him before. He was the man who had killed my family! He was here... he was going to kill us. He will end it all. And soon darkness took over, just like it did 18 years ago.

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