Another Shift

110 11 17

Date 6-24-17

Hey everyone! Here's a very late chapter. I'm sorry about that, but I needed a break from writing.

I love this story and I love writing it, but I wanted to have some time for me and my best friend.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! This book is almost over :(

Word Count: 2707


Chapter 33: Another Shift

"But I got her in trouble." Lucas sighs, leaning with the back of his head against the wall and his eyes closed.

"Yeah, but you can't help the fact that you're a werewolf." Mason argues as he's cooking grilled cheese sandwiches. It's one of the only things Mason will cook.

"If I had done better at hiding it, Lena wouldn't be in trouble and I wouldn't have been kidnapped." Lucas protests, knowing this is all on him.

"It's the hunters, Lucas. It's always been their fault, so you can stop blaming yourself. Do something for a change." Mason taunts while he flips the sandwiches in the pan.

"What would I do?" Lucas questions, thinking about what he'd be doing if his life wasn't disrupted by a werewolf.

Lucas would be playing video games, out on a run, or at work if he was still normal. "Nevermind. I've got an idea." Lucas says before Mason can reply.

And before Mason can say anything to that, Lucas is walking out of the kitchen, abandoning the idea of lunch and going outside instead.

Lucas may not be normal anymore, but he can still do what he used to. Lucas went on runs a few times a week to make sure he stayed in shape for football season. And Lucas just now realizes that it's been awhile since he's gone running.

"Lucas, where are you going?" Lucas hears Mason call to him as he rushes out the back door.

Lucas lets his feet carry him, lets the fears and worries brush away as the grass becomes dirt and the sky above becomes canopies of leaves. The wind hits Lucas' face as he picks up speed, faster than he used to run and slower than he knows he can go.

Somehow Lucas knows the path, so he doesn't bother wondering where he's going or why he's going through the woods.

Lucas already has the answer to the question why. The woods is a natural place for him now, more comforting than his own home in some ways.

Lucas has to wonder if that's a good thing or not. Does it mean he's becoming a creature of the night? One that only likes to stay in the woods and attack people? Maybe he's even becoming the monster that the hunters think him to be.

Lucas physically shakes his head to clear his thoughts, not wanting to think anymore. Lucas just wants to run faster. Run so fast that it's almost as if he's flying.

Lucas suddenly feels a shifting inside of him, one that's familiar to him only on the full moons.

Lucas' thoughts start to swirl in a panic, wondering how, why, and what should he do?

Then a sort of serenity stops his thoughts so that he's not thinking at all. Lucas acts on instinct and runs a bit faster before jumping into the air and coming down on all four paws.

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