The Darker Side

102 12 21

Date 4-25-17

Hey everyone! I love the Teen Wolf gif above. Anyone remember this? XD

Also, I just wanted to inform you about something before you read this chapter.

I did make up the city of Cain, but I did not make up the town Roxana in Illinois.

Roxana is a real place and I've been there. But I did make up the dance club that's in Alton, Illinois, in this chapter. I don't remember exactly, but that's probably not there in real life Alton XD

Okay, here's the chapter! Enjoy

Word Count: 3229


Chapter 9: The Darker Side

Adrian's eyes snap open without warning, glowing an angry red to allow some light in the dark confinement he's seemingly stuck in.

Adrian wonders if he's in a coffin six feet under. It's happened before.

Adrian remembers exactly what happened before he awoke. Adrian shoved Paige out of the way, he was hit by a speeding car, then he died for the millionth time. Not too uncommon for Adrian. At least it wasn't before he moved to the city of Cain.

Adrian doesn't regret his decision to save Paige. He just hopes it wasn't in vain. If Matt had been watching, he probably killed her after Adrian "died" in the car wreck.

Uncertainties are such a hardship.

Adrian slides over a few inches in place, his arms stuck at his side. Adrian turns his head slightly to look around, but everything remains black with a faint red hue, due to his glowing eyes.

It's a body bag. Adrian's finally figured it out.

He's in a body bag in a moving vehicle. That's why Adrian is sliding.

Adrian listens closely for heartbeats near him. There are two hearts beating a few feet away from him.

Adrian prays that they don't notice the body bag unzipping. Whoever closed the bag didn't zip it up completely, so Adrian is able to open the bag from the inside to extract himself.

Adrian does so slowly, keeping watch with his eyes and ears to see if the people in the vehicle notice. They don't. At least not until Adrian creates a ruckus.

Adrian sits up and sees what looks like the inside of the ambulance. Adrian is in the closed off part, so he's fortunately separated from the two heartbeats.

Adrian shoves open the doors of the back of the ambulance and jumps out, rolling on the gravel road. At least it's not concrete again.

But Adrian isn't so sure that the road being gravel is a blessing when it digs into his skin, leaving little rock imprints.

When Adrian finally stops, he finds out that he hasn't healed from the wreck yet. Adrian's neck has healed, which is why he's conscious and escaping, but there are open wounds that now have pebbles embedded in them.

Adrian lets out a low groan as he hears a car coming. Adrian shoves off of the ground with one hand and some difficulty. Adrian's left arm is broken so he can only use his right arm.

Before Adrian tries standing, he knows he has to set his arm to its correct position. This is gonna hurt. Adrian shoves his bone back into place, setting it so that it'll heal correctly now.

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