Chapter 9

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"You know," Caitlin said as Leonard was getting ready to leave STAR Labs. "You can stay here."

"No, I ca-"

"I already asked Dr. Wells." Caitlin insisted. "He's allowing you and Sara to stay here if you'd like."

"I have some where to stay but thanks anyways." Leonard turned to leave, but Lisa put her hands up to stop him.

"No, you're staying here." Lisa demanded. "You're not staying at a safe house."


"You've thrown your life away for the past 6 years!" Lisa exclaimed. "It's time for a change, Lenny. Please."

Sara was about to come in but stopped and decided to lean on the door way instead.

"Fine." Leonard sighed. "Just for tonight."

"Great." Lisa smiled. "See you in the morning."

Leonard shook his head as his sister left.

"Mick will be able to come in the morning." Caitlin informed him. "I'm sure he'd be happy to hear you're  back."

"Thank you, Caitlin." Leonard smiled. "For everything."

"It's not a problem Leonard," She put her hand on his shoulder. "It's what friends do for each other remember?"

"I'm not much of a friend," He mumbled.

Caitlin gave him a sad smile. "Get some rest," She turned around to face Sara. "The both of you. And please do not kill each other."

"No promises." Sara said as Leonard just shrugged his shoulders.

"Make sure not to leave this building by the way," Caitlin said as she was leaving the room. "Once I leave, the security code will be activated and if anyone goes in or out of here it will be set off and since neither of you guys know the code.... I suggest you just... chill out till morning?"

"Wait," Sara started walking after her. "Are you locking us in here?!"

"In a smaller sense?" Caitlin thought. "Yeah."

"Why not just give us the code just in case?" Leonard asked.

"Because," Caitlin said shyly. "We... don't really... trust you two with it."

"But we-"

"Goodnight!" Caitlin said as she exited the building.

"Great," Leonard mumbled as he turned down the hall to where their cots were set up with Sara tailing behind.

Sara placed her bag on the cot and started looking around the room.

"What're you looking for?" Leonard asked from his spot on his cot.

"A phone," Sara said turning to go back to the cortex. "I need to call Sin!"

Leonard grumbled as he got up to follow her.


"Because I need to tell her that I made it Central and that I'm fine." Sara said looking through the drawers and cabinets.

"How did you even meet her?" Leonard leaned on a desk, watching her. "I never really pegged you for taking one under your wing."

Sara stopped what she was doing sighed. "I, uh, met her father."

Leonard rose his eyebrow.

"On the island I was at, Lian Yu, and I made him promise right before he died." Sara rubbed her hands together. "That I would look after his daughter."

His Redemption (Sequel to Cold Canary AU) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now