Chapter 8

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Leonard and Sara went straight for Lisa's and Cisco's apartment as soon as they entered the city.

Leonard ran up the stairs with Sara tailing in behind him. Before he opened the door he stopped and turned around to face her. "Maybe you should wait out here,"

"Wait, why?" Sara took a step back to avoid crashing into him.

"Um, you know," Leonard scoffed. "You're kind of dead. Legally. And Lisa seeing you might distract us from assessing the situation."

Sara crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine, but if I hear any struggle I'm going in."

Leonard nodded his agreement and tried the door knob. Unlocked.

He slipped into the apartment to find it a mess. The couch was turned over, the coffee table next to it had a gaping hole in it. Some photos from the walls were knocked to the floor.

Leonard made sure to make careful steps to the hallway closet.

He made sure to make three small knocks with his knuckles and then waited a moment before knocking with his thumb knuckle. It was a trick they used when they were kids while hiding from their father and Lisa knowing to only let the door open if it was Leonard.

There was some soft shuffling behind the door before Lisa carefully creaked it open.

"Lenny!" Lisa threw herself into her brother's arms. "Oh my god,"

"Glad to see you too, Lis." He said into her hair that was taking over his face.

"Thank god," She mumbled into his shoulder.

"Where is he?" Leonard said, pulling back.

"I don't know," Lisa released her brother. "I haven't heard him for a while but I didn't want to not be sure."

"Good," Leonard looked down the hall. "We need to get out of here just in case he comes back."

"Let me get a few things," Lisa disappeared into a doorway he can only assume was their bedroom.

Leonard went into the living room to wait.

He took a look around, since this was his first time seeing her house. It was nice for being destroyed and wrecked by a superhuman. He was making his was to the dining room when their was a crunch under his foot. He paused and picked up the picture frame.

It was of him, Sara, Lisa, and Cisco. When they all went out on that double date. Lisa had the phone in "selfie mode" and most of her face took up half the photo with Cisco right next to her sticking his tongue out. Leonard and Sara we're in the back. Sara had her mouth open as if she was telling a story and was looking down at her drink while he was staring at her without a care in the world. His eyes were so soft and there was a faint smile on his lips. He knew he loved her. He just never got the chance to tell her back then.

"It may be a mess right now," Lisa was leaning against the hallway wall, bringing him back from his thoughts. "But I promise it looks better when it's not raided."

Leonard nodded and set the photo down on the table. "So, where are you heading?"

"STAR Labs," Lisa pushed herself off the wall. "Gotta figure out what's wrong with Cisco."

"Pretty sure we know what's going on with him," Leonard put his hands in his pockets.

"We?" Lisa rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Leonard made his way to the door. "Pretty sure it'd be better if I showed you instead."

Leonard opened the door for them to see Sara standing in the doorway waiting to barge in at any moment.

His Redemption (Sequel to Cold Canary AU) HIATUSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon