Chapter 7

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"Blood is in Central." Sin announced when she stepped into the room.

"What?" Sara paused from sharpening her knives.

"I was able to keep a track on your boyfr-"

"Not my boyfriend." Sara interrupted.

"Whatever," Sin sat down on a chair with her feet up on the table. "I see you guys making those bedroom eyes."

"Was there a point to your story?" Sara rolled her eyes.

"Like I was saying, I was able to keep tabs on your little Captain Cold's team and one of them is like this science wiz and he was able to track blood back to Central." Sin informed.

"And how exactly did you manage that?" Sara started to pack away her weapons.

"I got hobbies too. They might not be kicking ass and stopping bad guys, but I got skills too." Sin stood. "So I'll meet you downstairs in the car?"

"I gotta make a stop." Sara threw her bag over shoulder. "I'll take the bike to Central City."

"Safe travels!" Sin threw up a peace sign as she walked out.



"Lisa?" Leonard pressed his phone closer to his ear, never thinking his sister would be the one to call him.

"Somethings happen,"

Leonard could hear Lisa's accelerated breathing through the phone. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's Cisco. I don't know what happened. He's never acted like this before."

"Lisa. I need you tell me whats happening."

"He's... not acting like himself. He's throwing stuff around, he's really angry." There was a long pause before Lisa begun speaking again in a rush tone as if wanting this conversation to be over. "Maybe it'll pass. Maybe it's nothing. I'm sorry for cal-"

"Lisa where are you? This isn't nothing, it's something and I think I know what."

"We're at our house right now and I locked myself in the closet...Lenny?"

"Yeah, Lis?"

"I'm scared."

Leonard could hear she was on the verge of tears.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm coming. Stay where you are. If he leaves I need you to get out of that house as soon as possible. If he sounds like he's getting near you then.." Leonard hoped the second outcome won't happen. "Find something to protect yourself with."

"I love you, Lenny."

"Love you too, Lisa. I'm on my way."


"Still no word from Mardon?" Leonard said, as he began placing his clothes into his bag.

"Nope," Shawna said, placing her bag on top of the table.

"Well, we gotta leave with or without him." Hartley closed his laptop.

"We are," Leonard zipped up his bag and placed it next to Shawna's. "So if you gotta use the little 'outhouse' before we go. I recommend you go now."

His Redemption (Sequel to Cold Canary AU) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now