Chapter 3

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Leonard limped into the house and sat on the sofa.

Hartley was the first to ask. "What was wrong with him?"

"I don't know," Leonard looked up at him. "But something had gotten into him and I'm gonna make damn sure I figure out what it was,"

There was a moment of silence before Shawna spoke up.

"Last night," Shawna said softly. "We went out to go get some drinks- me, Mark, and Tony. And when Mark went into the restroom some sketchy type of man pulled away Tony and I couldn't see his face clearly, but I didn't see Tony until the next day and he wasn't acting himself."

"Do you think you can identify him?" Leonard furrowed his brows.

"I don't know," Shawna shrugged. "He had on a cap that shadowed most of his face."

"Damn," Leonard cursed under his breath.

"But," Shawna spoke up again. "I was able to snag this before he left with Tony."

Shawna handed him a business card.

"Sebastian Blood?"

"Isn't he running for Mayor over in Starling?" Rose asked.

"Hartley, Shawna, and Mark looks like we're going back to Starling." Leonard smirked.

"What about us?" Scudder motioned between himself and Rose.

"I'm sure you guys can find some way to entertain yourselves without destroying the place," Leonard said trying to get up.

"I'm fine," Leonard growled when Mark came by his side to help. "Pack your bags, we leave in an hour."


Leonard checked into his motel room alone, while Shawna also got her own room, and Hartley and Mark shared another.

He threw his bag onto the bed and tapped his pockets to make sure the card was still with him.

After getting situated in his room he headed out to try and pick up as much information on Blood as he can.


After hours of waiting across the street of city hall on a park bench, Blood finally exited the building and hopped into a black cab.

Leonard got onto his bike nearby and made sure to follow, but not too close to where they can notice him.

The black cab dropped Blood off at his house and pulled away.

Leonard waited down the street to wait for Blood to go to bed so he can scope out the house more, but Blood never went to bed.

He went inside for 13 minutes and 57 seconds before the garage door open and a car pulled out.

Leonard quickly started his bike, but he had only gotten a good 10 feet before a loud sonic blast blew him off the bike causing him to roll backwards and his bike to skid across the street.

Leonard was still grabbing at his ears on the floor and can only hear a ringing sound when a pair of black leather boots came into his view.

"What the hell?" He shouted.

"Blood is my mission,"

Leonard looked up and saw a women with the brightest blonde hair he has ever seen, in leather from head to toe, like literally head to toe. She also had on a black menacing mask.

"I suppose you'll be paying for my new bike," Leonard said trying to get up.

There was a strong blow to his stomach.

Leonard fell back down while clutching his stomach to see the woman had somehow produced a silver bo staff out of no where.

"Blood is my mission," She repeated.

"Vlah, vlah, vlah," Leonard mocked in a Dracula impersonation. "I remember, I just don't care." He said finally getting to his feet.

She grabbed his shirt and pulled a knife to his throat.

Seriously, where is she getting all these weapons from? Her ass? Leonard thought.

"Don't make me have to tell you again," She threatened pressing the knife further into his neck.

Leonard didn't respond, he couldn't, he was staring right into her eyes. He hasn't seen those type of bright blue eyes since Sara.

But this isn't her, he told himself. Sara's hair wasn't this bright of a yellow. And this women's eyes... Yes, they're the same color but they don't hold the same amount of glisten and joy Sara had in her eyes.

The women obviously sees that Leonard is looking at her face just a bit too closely now and backs up.

"I don't want to see you around here again, Snart." She said coldly and took off running between the houses and jumped onto a fence and jumped down in only such a way that can be held with years of training.

"Whatever, Assassin" He mumbled and went to retrieve his scratched up bike.


"We'll see, Crook"

His Redemption (Sequel to Cold Canary AU) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now