Chapter 2

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Starling city Museum, 2:43 am

"Just grab the diamond and let's go!" Mardon said, trying to get Snart and Scudder to stop pointing their weapons at each other.

Hartley clearly saw that neither of the men were going to back down, so he tried to disable the security code himself.

Scudder glanced sideways to look what Hartley was doing. Leonard used this opportunity to knock Scudders gun out of his hand and to deck him in the jaw.

Scudder fell to the floor, trying to get up as quick as he can.

Leonard kneeled down next to him. "Make that be the last time you disobey me again, or else next time I'll finish the job."

By the time Leonard joined Hartley's side, he already had the case disabled. "Nice work, kid." Leonard walked over to the case and simply plucked the jewel off its podium as if he just plucked a flower from a meadow.

He glanced at his watch. "We have 132 seconds before the alarm agency reports to the police that a lock has been tampered with. Let's go." Leonard lead the way out of the museum.

"Everyone has their route, correct?" Leonard said about to hop onto his motorcycle.

There was a silent agreement.

"Good, we regroup in Central. Safe house number 2." And with that he got on his bike and they all took different paths back to Central.


Few days later

Leonard handed each rogue their fair share of the money.

He handed Tony his before moving onto Hartley. "I expect all of you to know the routine by now."

He handed Rose and Shawna their envelopes. "We don't spend the money we earned on this job."

Leonard than moved onto Mardon. "Not yet." Leonard than forcefully shoved Scudders envelope into his chest. "Law low, off the radar. We wait till the heat dies down. Got it?"

Scudder grabbed onto his envelope. "Got it." He mumbled.

"Good, class dismissed." Leonard said heading back to his worktable.

Slowly the rogues disperse and left Leonard alone.

It was 1:06 am when Leonard heard a loud crash.

He looked up from his book and quickly grabbed his cold gun and exited his room.

Hartley, Shawna, and Rose were all looking puzzled and in the hallway. No doubt that they didn't hear the noise.

"What's going on?" Leonard growled walking past them.

"I don't know," Rose said following close behind. "Sam and Mardon went to go check it out."

"Tony wasn't in the room when it happened," informed Hartley.

They all swept the house and ended up all circling back into the living room.

"Anything?" Leonard said motioning with his cold gun.

"I couldn't find Tony," Sam said.

As if it was right on time another crash came from the west side of the home.

"Anyone bother to check the garage?" Leonard shouted while heading over to the garage.

He slowly opened it, while powering up his cold gun.

It was silent for a moment before Girder threw a wrench at Snart.

Luckily, Leonard was able to duck behind the car before it hit him.

"Go back inside!" He shouted at his rogues and for once Scudder listened to him without hesitation.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Leonard shouted over the car.

He didn't get a repsond, he got more of like a growl before Girder was able to lift up the entire car Leonard was hiding behind.

Leonard quickly pressed himself up against the wall and aimed his gun at him.

"Put the car down," Leonard gritted through his teeth.

"No," Girder let out very low.

Leonard looked right into his eyes. They were wild, as if he wasn't himself.

"What's gotten into you?" He said trying to reason with him.

"You always treat me like I'm less," He shouted. "You always treat me like I'm just sort of pet!"

"Tony," Leonard pleaded. "Don't make me do this."

"You already did it." Girder said before he threw the car.

Leonard rolled to the side, but wasn't fast enough. It hit his ankle and he laid on the floor, barely able to get up.

Tony towered over him and once more Leonard aimed the cold gun at him, but this time he didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

Whoa! What was up with Tony? It's like he was dru- oh right.... no spoilers.  😂

His Redemption (Sequel to Cold Canary AU) HIATUSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon