My reasoning for wanting to leave simply became stronger. Being paired randomly by the teacher was one thing, being paired with the most arrogant, deadbeat student that our English class had pushed me over the edge.

"Tomorrow we'll finish up the play and start the project," Mrs. Ledford closed her Hamlet book at the same moment the bell began ringing.

"Hey, Zel wait up." I heard the sound of Lennie's voice. Which made her seem like she had just ran a marathon.

"Hey," I shook my head as I pushed passed the kids in the halls.

"So? Have you heard?," Lennie smiled, her chestnut hair, bouncing up and down as we walked.

"No, not yet," I gave Lennie a weak smile, I had been so focused on my blog that I forgot to check the mail yesterday. "What about you?," I stopped at my locker, quickly unlocking it.

"Actually-" Lennie smirked and began to open her locker as well. "I haven't had the chance to open it yet," Lennie held the giant manilla envelope in her hands.

"Is this for U of T?," I push my blonde lock behind my ear and stuffed my binders into the small cubby.

"It is," Lennie's voice wavered as if she wasn't sure if she was going to open it.

"Well come on," I nudged her before closing my locker once again.

"I don't think I can. You know even if I do get in I probably won't have enough mon-" Lennie began to ramble and I cut her off before she had the chance to continue.

"Do you want me to do it for you?," I stared at her, holding my hand out for the envelope.

"Could you? Would you?," Lennie nervously placed the envelope into my hand and I began to tear the edge.

I could hear Lennie starting to hyperventilate as my fingers pulled out the white paper. Wiggling my eyebrows I looked down at the words and my that's when my own breathing stopped.

"What is it? Did I not get in?," Lennie attempted to peer at the paper but I clung it to my chest. "You're scaring me," Lennie tried grabbing the paper but I backed away.

"Miss Leanna Adams, it is our pleasure to say you have been conditionally accepted into the University of Toronto," A smile grew on my face as I began to jump up and down, handing the paper over to Lennie.

"I've been-" Lennie's voice stopped and looked at the words, immediately I wrapped my arms around her.

"You've been conditionally accepted," I kiss Lennie's cheek and squeeze her tight before letting go.

"Oh my god," Lennie clutched the paper to her chest, tears falling from her eyes.

"Let's say we go tell your parents? Have a celebratory lunch?," I smirked, pulling my lanyard from my purse.

Lennie simply nodded and looped her arm through mine. As we walked down the halls, wide smiles planted on both of our faces.

Sitting in Lennie's parents restaurant was one of the best things in the world. The smell of Thai food made my stomach begin to growl as we sat at one of the booths.

"God I love your parents restaurant," I smiled as my eyes scanned the menu.

"Do you even need to bother scanning that menu? You basically know it inside out," Lennie laughed as one of the servers approached us.

"Hi guys. You ready?," Chimlin gave us a small smile and pulled out her notepad.

"I'm thinking the tom yum goong," I nodded and folded the menu shut.

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