He got up, his injuries healing, but his fur was all a mess and his robe was all torn.

"Never... Never, Maleficent... you will not hurt them!"

"You should talk, vermin..."

With a wave of her hand, Mickey suddenly felt a warmth all over his body, accompanied by a sharp pain in his head and his bones... He yelped out and kneeled down.

"It all started... with a mouse." Maleficent darkly chuckled as she watched her spell be weaved over the ruler.

"No! No, please ~ ah!"

His cries soon died away, replaced by panicked squeaks... Maleficent observed her handiwork and wryly smiled at the small animal changed from the beloved character, loved and hated among those insufferable annoying people whose minds affect this Kingdom so easily. Her staff glowed brightly as she hovered it over the changed mouse. He squirmed and tried to fight. She hovered him close... He was a small, black field mouse, tiny, squirming and annoying.

"Don't worry, Mickey. People do not even remember you. This world is dying, little Mouse. Do not fear, I am only doing a charity for you. You fought hard, and that was very noble of you. Too sad it was all in vain. Forget this place, it's mine now."

The Mouse in her grip kept crying and trying to squirm out of the magical bubble he was in, but no avail. She was torturing him, humilating him...

"Let me go!! You ... you can't do this!!"

"Behold your King!" then bellowed the Dark Fairy's voice into the air for all to hear. "A pathetic little beast, not worth even keeping as a pet! Fare thee well, Mickey Mouse... a mere memory to those who knew you. Just like your old fool."


He had to return and this girl had witnessed a miracle. He was defeated and thrown away and there was a shred of hope of going back to a kingdom in need of their ruler. She threw him into the air and blasted his magic at him. It hurt and his magic was torn away... Yet, he knew something else happened... She was killing him and the next thing he knew, he hit grass. Someone rescued him...and it had to be Yen Sid, who promised to always watch over the people as well as himself, and his Queen, Minnie. Maleficent was on the move now to keep him from coming back and he could tell. He knew her pattern of dark magic well. He escaped his box and looked around the house, carefully. The young girl was worried and her father and mother had not returned home. She was on the computer now. He had better remain hidden. Even now, he had no magic, only a heart and a mind (which was hopefully not too marred by all this instinct).

He blinked, still feeling so much sadness that he may live a short life now. The Kingdoms needed him, so he had to keep trying. He had an idea, hoping it would work. He discovered a spare phone on the bedside which belonged to her father in the main bedroom. He scurried beneath the shut door.

It turned out to be 10:59 pm and Sarah was able to eat dinner out of the fridge, but she couldn't go to sleep in this home alone. She wanted to go and look for her parents, but her grandma lived so far away.

"...daddy, mom... where are you...?" she uttered to herself as she looked out her window.

Her phone buzzed again which scared the living daylight out of her for a second and she checked it. A text message from her dad! All the text said though was ' ... hi.'

' Hey, Dad. Where are you?' she texted back as if instantly.

The triple dots appeared not too much later.

' please.' came the first word before the dots came back and stayed for a long minute. 'please' came the second word.

They left Sarah confused. Scared even.... She texted again, feeling odd in the stomach.

'... Dad, what's wrong?'

Those dots returned, again, remaining for the longest time.

' ... do you remember what happened to your computer yesterday?'

Sarah was getting confused and it was a little after 11 at night and she was still home alone.

'Yeah, but, Dad where r u??' she texted quickly, worried deeply.

Meanwhile in the bedroom, atop the bedside table, the tiny dark field mouse was curled as his mind was wrecked with fear and hope. If he was able to cry, he would. Bitterly.

'Oh gosh, gosh! She won't believe me! How can I~ I can't... Not like this... She won't believe me...' he doubted, dearly. 'What am I to do...?'

His heart hurt and it made him feel paralyzed. It was so new and scary. He had to keep a straight head.

Sarah was confused when the text just stopped. A car passed by, filling her with this false hope. That was when the texts started again.

' please please ... you must believe me. I need your help. please.'

This wasn't her father texting. He had a tone in his texts and they used shortcuts and he was blunt. This was slow, full sentenced and vague. What was going on? And whoever was texting kept saying please, over and over again. Those words made her feel sad too. Help?

'Where are you?' she tried another text, quickly.

'.... I'm ... in ... the bedroom...' came one last text, each three new texts.

Just then, she felt a chill down her spine when she read that final message. She furrowed her eyebrow and made a frantic look around her own room, but then ended her scan into the hallway. Wait... which bedroom? she asked herself as another new message was forthcoming.

'... your mom and dads bedroom...' came the words, slowly again.

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