Liz has left me alone to think. It's been about thirty minutes since I did what I did. I feel bad. Like Liz said I should of let her explain. Just then my door opens agian. Doesn't anyone ever knock. "Liz I told you I want to be alone." Just then the door slams and I spring up to see an angry Soul. He collects himself and speaks. "How dare you. Do you know what you have done? No, of course not. She was coming here to tell you something important and gets told to leave and that it's over. What the hell, man?" Now I am angry all over again. "You two can be together now. You should be happy. Instead of seeing each other behind my back. You two can see each other whenever. I don't care anymore."

     To my surprise Soul laughs. He just laughs. "You think me and (Y/N) are dating when you two. Wow. I thought you were smarter than that. (Y/N) is my cousin first of all. I believe I mentioned it when introducing her to everyone. And we are bestfriends. More like sister/brother than anything. As for what she was coming to tell you just so you can see how much you fucked up. She was coming to tell you she is in love with you. Just like every other time she tried to talk to you. Sue hasn't had the most loving home. So expressing emotions do not come easy to her."

     I stared in horror at Soul. She is his cousin. Now that I think about it he did say something I was just too caught up in her beauty. I mean not everyday you find someone perfectly Symmetrical in every way. But he said she is in Love with me. Not only that but she was trying to tell me and I. Oh Death. After processing everything. I messed up big time.

    "Soul. I know you probably hate me right now but I need your help." He sighs. "I'm listening." And so I tell him my plan.

(Y/N) P.O.V.

         I have been crying with Maka and the other girls have been showing up. Liz showed up right after Soul left. Him saying something about how do you kill a Grim Reaper. "(Y/N) I want to explain to you what happened. My miester is an idiot and trust me when I say he got an earful from me. He didn't mean what he said he is stupid like all men. He thought you were cheating on him with Soul." Before I can respond Maka does. "But Soul is her cousin. In fact they told all of us when we met. They are more like brother and sister." I nod my head tears still streaming. Because Kid trust me so little and he was so harsh.

    As I try to calm down Liz gets a phone call and takes it outside so not to interrupt me trying to calm down. She comes back in smiling and I look at her funny. "I think we should play dress up and then go out and show off. Everyone agrees including me because I would love a distraction.

One hour later...........

       We are all dressed up and makeup done perfectly. They put waterproof on me in case I have another episode. I am grateful for my friends until ww get to the park. There I see Kid. He has on a suit and so does Soul. And they got Blackstar to play along. I am confused and upset all at once. "(Y/N) I had them bring you so we can enjoy a evening of fun and friends." I look at Soul skeptical as I see Kid fidgeting. We go and Blackstar takes Tsubaki and Soul takes Maka to dance on a dance floor they had made. It looks lovely all around little twinkling lights hanging in trees. A dance floor with jazz playing in the background. Soul's idea I presume. As I watch the others I am bout to go dance alone when Kid is in front of me.

    "(Y/N) I know you hate me. But please dance with me." I go to decline when Liz and Patty push me into his arms. He catches me and I look up to see a slight smirk on his face. He pulls me up and starts to dance before I have a chance to say no. We are waltzing around for a song or two. It is quite all around and that's when I note we are alone.

    I look up at Kid and he is smiling sadly down at me. "(Y/N), darling. I am so sorry. For not listening to you. For thinking and accusing you of cheating. But mostly for not telling you sooner." He stopped right there. Everything stopped including the music. "For awhile now I have known that I am completely intoxicatingly in love with you. I never told you because I was and still am scared you won't feel the same. But you deserve to know how I feel."

    I stand there shocked. He loves me too. He was scared too. Tears spring to my eyes and I am so thankful for the waterproof makeup. "Well this isn't the response I hoped for." He rubs the tears from my eyes. Before he can do anything I kiss him. I give the kiss everything I have. The anger from earlier. The passion of our relationship. The hurt. And most importantly the undying Love I have had for him. When I pull away I whisper how I feel. "I didn't hear you dear." I pull him down and whisper into his ear, "I love you."

    When I let him pull back his smile is blinding. He kisses my temple and says, "I love you, too." With that we continue to dance to no music. When that was over he took me to the gazebo where there was a candle light dinner. It was the best day of my life after it was the worst. But hey, I got my man and nothing can ruin that.

Totally in a love/hate relationship with the ending but the rest I like. By the way is it me or are my oneshots getting longer every time. Oh well until next time my lovely readers Byeeee.............

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